Describe Agnarr's Velious Launch Using Movie Titles

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Gio1999, Oct 31, 2017.

  1. malaki Augur

    To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar
  2. tuttles Augur

    i cant decide

    1. crash
    2. rat race
    3. daddy daycare
    4. purgatory
    5. the do over
  3. Darchias Augur

    The Road to El Dorado
  4. qweasy Augur

    It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World
  5. Poppinfresh Elder

  6. malaki Augur

    Sleeper's Wake
  7. Vanrau Augur

    Journey to the Center of Earth describes the trek to Yelinak from the entrance of Skyshrine.
  8. Gorgoroth New Member

    Sleepers: A harmless prank gone awry
  9. Foaming I Drank Bleach IRL Once

    The Day After Tomorrow.
  10. Adonhiram Augur

    Come on, noone proposed Deep Throat ? I just finished season 1 of "The Deuce" (James Franco at its best btw) and thought you Agnarr guys would jump on it ;)
  11. an_ogre_monk00 Elder

    All ogre movie have same name.


    Also what ogre women say when show them five point palm technique.
    jeskola likes this.
  12. Olive Journeyman

    Planes, Trains, And Automobiles.
  13. jeskola pheerie

    "The Narcissism Epidemic: Living in the Age of Entitlement". It is a real documentary.
  14. Sagarmatha Augur

  15. Accipiter Old Timer

    You win the thread. How did we go 2 pages without someone thinking of that?
    Sagarmatha likes this.
  16. Kolani Augur

  17. malaki Augur

    Probably because it was obvious and not funny?
  18. MakingSense New Member

    The Hangover Part III
    May also be an apt title for the whole of Agnarr.
  19. Diocletian New Member

    If it was so obvious, why didn't YOU think of it?

    It IS funny (and OP didn't even ask for "funny" titles). FAIL, griefer. Why do people take fun threads and try to shadow it with their self loathing and wet blanket statements (like I just did)?
  20. malaki Augur

    That's fair, and I'm sure you enjoyed the most recent Ghostbusters movie too.