Deep sleep icon

Discussion in 'Casters' started by RPoo, Feb 15, 2014.

  1. RPoo Augur

    Silv likes this.
  2. Dandin Augur

    This is a long overdue change. Did you notice our Dreary Deeds slow will also be adjusted back to where it's supposed to be?
    Qest T. Silverclaw likes this.
  3. RPoo Augur

    yeah but this is more exciting.
    silku likes this.
  4. Ayoheee Augur

    Looks like the demand for honor icon except all red shaders.
  5. Mykaylla Augur

    BTW, thank you to Aristo for the change, to Quarken for the icon suggestion (and that's only a little sarcastic since it was a right feminine canine to find the spell attached to it after said suggestion). and the chanters who were in serverwide at the time when I was searching for the bloody spell, particularly Jehmal.

    For those remotely curious, that icon (in old icons, the flipped version of the deep sleep mez icon) is attached to one spell, cast by one mob, from TBS. :mad:
    silku likes this.
  6. Qest T. Silverclaw Augur

    Thanks, everyone!