Decay Decreased BS

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by marmax, Sep 24, 2016.

  1. marmax New Member

    So not knowing that you need to drop a fire in this zone if you wipe, who is the numbnut game designer who thought lets limit ability to access the zone by clicking an item that you cant click while mission is active? I cant drop the mission because it is locked and cant add someone because it is locked. This is the really F**king stupid.
  2. Rakknar Elder

  3. Frakius New Member

    Had this happen the other day lol. Very annoying to be in life trying to zone back into decay and get the mission emote when you click your mirror instead of zoning you into the decay side of zone :-( Only way around is to drop the mission and start it again. Next time I will drop a campfire in decay zone before so if I wipe I can get back into the actual zone, but it's silly to have to do that.
  4. Act of Valor The Newest Member

    that was Shigeru Miyamoto, complain to him on twitter!
  5. Cicelee Augur

    As I approach the half way point of my life, I have found the best way to get something I want is to refer to the owner/creator of the thing I want as a "numbnut"...
  6. MoveFastRZ Bloodsaber

    I think the OP has probably given up on getting what he wants, and would settle for the satisfaction of inflicting some reciprocal discomfort on the person responsible for his frustration.