Cyber Monday Means Savings for All Access Members

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Roshen, Nov 28, 2014.

  1. Roshen Brand Manager


    On Monday, December 1st, between 12:00am PST (U.S.) to 11:59pm PST All Access members will be able to spend their stash of Station Cash on special savings in their favorite SOE game titles*! Log in to your favorite participating game and find the 10% membership discount increased to 25%! Not an All Access member yet? Sign up today and take advantage of these offers.

    Happy Holidays from the gaming elves at Sony Online Entertainment!

    *Cyber Monday deals and All Access member benefits apply only to SOE titles currently included in All Access. Promotion does not include Landmark or Dragon’s Prophet.
  2. Brohg Augur

    is the added discount only for Station Cash purposes? I'm looking in particular at The Darkened Sea expansion, which is purchased with Real_money Cash, is that discounted Monday, too?
    Fabex and Tiqou like this.
  3. Gnar Augur

    So on wednesday you post the double station cash sale for black friday, eluding to spend it on marketplace cyber monday sales. Now the way im reading todays pitch is only all access accounts will see any of mondays sales and no sale items/discounts for FTP/silver accounts. Im sure many purchased station cash on silver and FTP accounts so they could buy sale items on monday. If this is whats going to happen grats on another legendary bait and switch tactic.
    Geroblue likes this.
  4. Morthakia Augur

    A bit disappointing from my perspective. I just spent $100 yesterday on SC across four All-Access accounts. An incremental 15% is hardly anything to get excited about. I'm hoping they introduce a big bag sale (on progression servers) this Monday. There aren't exactly many things in the marketplace to buy these days.
  5. Litala Journeyman

    To be fair, the Cyber Monday sale was announced to be for All Access when they posted the double SC sale:

    Aanuvane likes this.
  6. Gnar Augur

    Since i posted this morning the
    was edited in.
    I know the timestamp on roshens post doesnt show it but someone fixed it up because that wasnt there earlier.
  7. Litala Journeyman

    Ummm no?
    PS2 announcement:



    SOE is sly, at times, but they didn't bypass the edit feature of the forums just to pull a fast one on you.
  8. Numiko Augur

    it was there all along, i saw it too when I checked the original post.

    As for the question about the expansion, all access got 10% off the cover price even though it was real world money, so I see no reason why the 25% one day discount will not work the same way.
  9. Aanuvane Augur

    I agree with Litala and Numiko - that part about "offering All Access members" was there in the original post.
  10. frankie78227 Augur

    Looks ok, but are there going to be any specials that everyone can partake in? I have 2 all access accounts, but also a couple silvers.
  11. Elskidor Augur

    I have to agree. This is nothing worthy of complaining about, but I think lingering feelings on other decisions are going to have customers unhappy about everything for awhile.
  12. Ahora007 New Member

    Lisandra likes this.
  13. Lisandra Augur

    I feel sorry for you having wasted $300 but to be fair based on how they've been doing players lately you probably should have thought that through before doing so. No offense intended, we've all been there after spending a decent sum & then being let down big time by SOE.
  14. Brohg Augur

    There is a sale on potions. 25% off everything
  15. andilicious New Member

    Being out of EQ1 myself for donkey years, I am anxious for this cybersales this Monday but
    seems like the sales strategy benefits more to all access members and also to people who had
    just purchase their SC recently on Black Friday which I think is fair.

    But well, I can only said for long returned players like me going FTP, it does not benefit me to certain extend especially I have few 10k sc sitting in SOE account for that donkey years :)
    Please at least spare a thought for that money that I have placed as interest for people like me
    to reap more interest out of it.

    Anyway, thanks SOE for opening more FTP games which I will be interested to play.
  16. guado Augur

    I have a complaint !

    You claim everything in the marketplace is 25% off.

    The Darkened Sea is in the marketplace. But is not 25% off.

    Fix and I might buy it for 2 box accounts.


    I fully understand it's a redirect link, and maybe I'm taking the "25% OFF EVERYTHING IN THE MARKETPLACE" a little too literal. Sorry. I'm just like that.
  17. Litala Journeyman

    Can you buy it with SC? No? Okay then.

    You're taking a line out of context.
  18. guado Augur

    I'm not taking this line out of context:
    "Cyber Monday Means Savings for All Access Members"
    Not if my only intention was purchasing expansions...

    Am I supposed to get more context clues out of context?
  19. Kravitz Augur

    Actually he isn't. He's asking about why its still reflected as 10%. He's not asking about SC, he's wondering why its still 10% when they are saying 25% off for All-Access Members. He means to pay real cash for it, not station cash.
    guado likes this.
  20. rool New Member

    Are you going to discount the expansion 25% ... that is what I wanted to purchase
    Brohg likes this.