Crying for the Dead - credit?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Espiritun, Dec 12, 2014.

  1. Espiritun Augur

    From patch notes:
    - Crying for the Dead - Creating the Full Degmar Inkwell in any zone will now give you quest credit. If you have already gotten past this step and used the inkwell, you can hail Thubr in Degmar for credit

    Has anyone gone back to Thubr? If so, what is this 'credit'
    What about earlier missions?
  2. Pulgrey Elder

    credit in the task for doing the combine. Apparently if you did the combine while not inside the zone, you did not get credit for it. Now you will.

    If for some reason you did the combine outside the zone previous to the patch, hail Thubr to get credit in the task.
  3. Betenoire Elder

    If you did not get the update and have only combined the bloods in the inkwell, and have not done the next combination, you may hail Thubr for an update.

    The combine was not updating even if you did the combine in the zone FYI.
  4. Crystilla Augur

    Even if you did the combine in zone it didn't update for me (so I just went back and hailed Thubr and got the task update).