"Crushing" spell motes to lower levels?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by CaRnon, Jul 28, 2013.

  1. CaRnon Augur

    Will you guys change the spell vendor to allow us to downgrade higher level motes to lower levels? See way too many glowing motes going to rot or alts of alts and such... Was hoping we could downgrade them to lower levels like we have been able to in past expansions.

  2. Fanra https://everquest.fanra.info

  3. Hatsee Augur

    Agreed, put in a way to break them down.
  4. Caudyr Augur

    They had a way to do it in VoA...and I think they put it in 'later' for HoT though I could be wrong on that one. Older runes can also be 'broken down' into their lower level versions via a container from that dude you hand them into, as well (Kalim`Kar, iirc).

    Either way, it's not like it hasn't been done before...and it only makes sense to do it now. I really don't understand why it wasn't continued (with SoF or something...or why it wasn't done in the first place, for that matter.
  5. CaRnon Augur

    I thought they would do it when they released this expansions T4... and I know I was not alone in that thinking.... And you are right.. this is not something new and I think it is kinda expected by most folks after certain amount of time a expansion is live.

    Even if the answer was "NO we are not doing that" I could live with that since its better then just being in the dark about it... (But for the record I would like a 'Yes, it will be live in a hot fix tommorow' reply better). /shrug

    btw yeah your right. HoT spell runes can be 'broken down' to lower levels
  6. Crystilla Augur

    Well the good news is - SoE live is this week. My guess is someone will ask this question and get an answer :)
  7. CaRnon Augur

    Well I hope we get a Yes response... Since I can not make it maby you can let me know the answer since you will be there 8)
  8. Fanra https://everquest.fanra.info

    That is what I think also. I also think they waited about 6 months after the expansion was released.

    Which is why I waited until after six months had passed after Rain of Fear was released before pointing out that SOE should add it.
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