Couple tips I learned for when starting out on a fresh TLP

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Evade, Feb 21, 2019.

  1. HoodenShuklak Augur

    So many ideas were brought up to solve this. It's totally doable too. It's probably just not important enough to tackle, like necro dots.
  2. Protagonist Tank

    200hp, 200 mana, 20ac, 6 hour buff usable at level 1 - and you can keep the buff indoors, just mount outdoors first.

  3. Brunlin Augur

    Mounts are not available until Shadows of Luclin. I can confirm
  4. callius Journeyman

    new tlp''s will start in luclin
  5. dmccollum Elder

    Not Mangler. Dev has already confirmed that the Unknown DB entry in the calendar is Mangler.
  6. callius Journeyman

    ok not mangler sorry
  7. Sethiroth Augur

    Doesn’t neccesarily mean they haven’t changed something round. We won’t know till they tell us
  8. Elyani Augur

    You could get mounts through buying several crates. A lot of people did this then sold them for tons of krono. However, you cannot and will not be able to use them before Luclin. No TLP starting in Classic has had the ability to use mounts before Luclin. And they never will. The game is a lot of boring slow running around prior to Luclin, if you don't want to start in Luclin+ then you're asking for that experience. The longer it takes expansions to release, the longer you're running without a mount. Buy SoW pots and befriend Bards. GL

    Regardless of what changes they make to Mangler, I doubt they will start in Luclin. I could always be wrong - not like they've given us a real hint one way or another for this past week. Probably see some half- post today saying they are almost done finalizing it and see us by the end of next week. :D I can't help but be cynical at this point.
  9. likestobox Lorekeeper

    Very true!! I cut my play time down to once a week since January just so the wife won't care if I go into my cave for a few weeks straight on launch.