Could you please ban the guy on Yelinak who's warping around?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by shamansOG, Jun 21, 2022.

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  1. shamansOG New Member

    Seriously. There's no possible way Daybreak doesn't know about this by now. The guy has been petitioned about 100 times. He's all over the place. His box crew is always warping around Kedge killing Phinny before anyone else. Then he goes to the Hole, trains an entire raid by warping into the undead area, soaking up all the undead, and then warping back to Yael, training and killing everyone.

    Then he goes up to Sky and warps back and forth between the Sister and Sirran blatantly cheating.

    It's not hard to understand or grasp the fact of what this guy is doing. I'd say his name but there's no real need. If you play on Yelinak you know who it is. Ban him already. It's getting stupid.

    He's also so fast that it's nearly impossible to get him recorded even with Shadowplay.
    Brontus likes this.
  2. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Reports need to be followed up with a petition to be useful.
  3. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    He didn't say anything about reports. He said petitions.
  4. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    It was edited after I responded, the first post said reported and was later edited to petition.
  5. shamansOG New Member

    I figured it was pretty obvious. Reported (Petitioned). He was petitioned. What difference does it make? People went to the customer service help site and reported this player as warping / hacking.
  6. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    There is a /report command in game to report various things which is why I responded about the petitions. It does make more sense that you did a petition and not a report but wanted to make sure.
  7. Timmyboi Dunning Kruger Award Winner

    Stymie likes this.
  8. shamansOG New Member

    Isn't the /report command just a thing that reports the last 5 lines of text from the player?
    Joules_Bianchi likes this.
  9. Gheed Is not reading your response

    I am genuinely curious here.

    Why would someone warp between sister and a random sirran?

    Did you know that the undead tower is directly above Yael's spawn and you can jump down very easily? You can also bind here.

    Did you know that the swim to phinny takes about a minute? You can also bind here.

    Not to say this isn't happening but.. seems a little silly from your post.
  10. Hekkthebank Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds

    What is a raid doing in the hole?
  11. Hekkthebank Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds

    New member, please respond.
  12. Maph Lorekeeper

    exp'ing obviously
  13. shamansOG New Member

    To spawn another Sister to farm her.

    He warped from the raid in the Hole where Yael is, to the undead area, grabbed everything fast by warping around, and then warped back to the raid and the undead mobs come calling.

    Again, same tactic with Phinny. You should hang out in Kedge and see it for yourself.
  14. Hekkthebank Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds

    wait wait wait... How do you know where he warped to?
  15. shamansOG New Member

    Do you really not understand the concept of a raid killing Yael?

    You do know Yael is a raid mob, yes? You need more than just a group of 6 people to kill him at level 50? Hence the definition of "raid".

    I know it's a tough concept to grasp.
  16. shamansOG New Member

    Because he grabbed about 30 undead mobs? Again, not hard concept to grasp. Do you need coaching? You seem a bit lost.
  17. Hekkthebank Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds

    Seems a little sus.
  18. shamansOG New Member

    Sounds like we've found possibly the culprit with all the defending of him going on here.
    Lawyer likes this.
  19. Gheed Is not reading your response

    Ah I believe the guy at Kedge is Fipp I have seen him get the yellow text quite a bit.

  20. Maph Lorekeeper

    I think that guy is a bot team
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