Coryn does not update after I complete the task

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Gromok Hergom, May 4, 2024.

  1. Gromok Hergom New Member

    Coryn does not update after I complete the task of killing two harpy nobles. Another player managed to do it without issues.
  2. Gromok Hergom New Member

    Well I think I found the problem.

    Macro /say hail activates the dialogue but cannot complete hand in, change macro to /hail and it also activates the dialogue and can complete the hand in. old coding bug....
  3. Brickhaus Augur

    If you are talking about the Hail macro on page 1 of actions, all of mine are /hail. My characters are old as dirt though.

    Checked a relatively new toon ... his Hail was also /hail.
  4. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    Just use the H key, its easier :)

    A lot of tasks are a mismash of whatever dev worked on it at the time. So some you may need to click a word in the text or respond with /say whatever or the simple H.

    Sometimes the quests are not even listed in your quest window.