Converted Augs Tradeable on FV

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Willydo, Dec 17, 2021.

  1. Willydo Apprentice

    Reactive augs are tradeable on FV. Is this intended? You need all of the achievements from the missions to convert the augs, but once converted you can trade/sell them to anyone. Kind of takes the shine off of having to actually doing the missions no?
    Duder and Moege like this.
  2. Moege Augur

    There is a person selling it in the bazaar. Hope these get removed from people's inventory
    Duder and Willydo like this.
  3. Willydo Apprentice

    My feeling is if you know it's broken and you do it anyway, you are in fact taking advantage of an exploit and should be treated as such.
    Duder likes this.
  4. Soulbanshee Augur