Controls binds ?

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by girlyman, Oct 30, 2012.

  1. girlyman New Member

    My movement keys are set to numpad ?
    Tutorial says use WASD, sorry i know i can rebind but im wondering how this could have happend and perhaps other things are wrong.
    Anyone else experience this?

    Matthew Pass likes this.
  2. Yther Augur

    I have mine mapped to both, but I did the wasd myself years ago to match EQ2, and number pad when I started, iirc. The info is stored in eqclient.ini under [KeyMaps] and if you had old files it may have used that instead of making a new one? Not sure if just installed it or not, and if you ever had it installed before on the same computer. I'm also unsure what the default is now though. They used to only use the arrow keys, and you had to map to the keypad yourself or the wasd keys.

    If you're sure it's a new installation, then I'd /bug it to get a ticket made for the problem. I'd like it if they mapped to both either numpad or arrows and wasd by default, especially since the tutorial says so.

    Yther Ore.
  3. TSR-AlexS Augur

    Was this a fresh install or are you a returning player? By default, it should go to the WASD format but if it continues to revert to the numberpad, you may want to submit a support ticket so we can look into the matter.
    Matthew Pass likes this.
  4. Matthew Pass New Member

    Returning player here, and the controls default to arrow keys to me, even if I reset them in-game.
    Is it possible to reset them to the 'new' WASD layout at all?
  5. Coardan Elder

    This happened to me as well. It was because I used the launcher config to turn off some models before my first time logging into the game, so if the launcher writes a brand new ini it doesn't have the wasd flag in it.