Contacting the Leadership

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Edepus, Nov 6, 2017.

  1. Edepus New Member

    I'm trying to finish Contacting the Leadership, but Tsaph Katta simply throws insults when I ask about the citizen's problem. I con dubious to Tsaph Katta, so I'm guessing this is a faction issue. What is the best way to raise my faction with Tsaph Katta in EOK?
  2. S33k3r Augur

    Did you go back to Salli (say ejected) and then go back wearing the robe ?
  3. Edepus New Member

    Yes. I have the robe and my shaman does not get kicked out of the room. Tsaph still won't update the quest when I ask about problems.
  4. Edepus New Member

    I was able to finish the quest after raising my faction by killing sarnaks in scorched woods
  5. Scorrpio Augur

    It is weird you trashed it in first place. Did you kill workers in Lceanium or something?