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Congrats SR on 4th for EoK

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Sindaiann, Jan 31, 2017.

  1. Sindaiann Augur

    Congrats. Much deserved
  2. Sancus Augur

    Congrats SR!
    Riou likes this.
  3. Aldryn Another New Member

    Congrats! Well done
  4. MrMajestykx Augur

    congrats guys, no small feat, well done.
  5. Hellboy007 Augur

    Good Game!
  6. Reht The Dude abides...

    Congratulations SR!
  7. Jumvapace The Most hated

    Woot! Thanks everyone! Humbled by the sheer awesomeness and support of everyone in the community! I CAN SLEEP AGAIN!!!
    Drogba likes this.
  8. MrMajestykx Augur

    how bout that dragon? :p heh I know that feeling bout sleep after those 3 encounters, so glad to have it on farm now. grats again from Triton
    Glynna and Jumvapace like this.
  9. Kravn Augur

    Grats SR! Good to see someone on CT is still kicking !
    Sindaiann, Glynna, Reht and 2 others like this.
  10. Bard_Bard Journeyman

    Grats SR. RoV nocked out dragon lastnight. Was way easier than the first event. Can't wait to down the final event tonight. I dont see many guilds doing tier 3 with the aura in effect. Its gonna take alot of patience and pain killers. It does get easier the more wins you get. I just wish they did the reverse and made it start easy and get harder the more you do the event so we dont get bored farther into the expansion.
    Once again grats SR.
    Glynna, Utaerx and Nudia like this.
  11. Nudia Augur

    Grats SR and grats RoV on your impending completion! The final fight is even easier yet, once you learn the couple mechanics. Pretty underwhelming completion fight after the Kar`Zok...
    Utaerx likes this.
  12. MrMajestykx Augur

    Way I see it, Devs had to give players a light at the end of the tunnel scenario for that guild killer event known as the Kar'Zok.... its a pretty brutal start event for a Tier, kudos to all for winning.
  13. Stell_CT Elder

    Thanks guys! It was fun :)
  14. Maedhros High King

  15. Bahdah Augur

    Congrats.. I think you also deserve to light one up with the finest, Cali medicine of course.
    Hdizzle and MrMajestykx like this.
  16. Slippry Augur

    Nah, this way is great. You have the initial challenging raids that take effort to learn and beat. Then once you've proven that you can meet that challenge, the raids become easier to farm. I do not want to be farming Ancient Dragon without being able to crit for the next 8 months. That would be completely awful.
    Bahdah likes this.
  17. Savager Augur

  18. Atvar Augur

    Agreed. It actually worked out well having the blockers broken at the start, and added to the challenge for a few weeks.

    My concern at this point is whether many more guilds will be able to beat Kar'zok at all. It's definitely a gatekeeper when nobody has blockers, yet all of T3 will become a joke with a raid fully blockered. If it come to it, rather than outright nerfs, I think it would work best to create a clickable blocker as an Atrebe's Vault chest reward. Let guilds "gear up" and still go at their own pace instead of handing out freebies.
    Utaerx, Reht, Sancus and 1 other person like this.
  19. Ryino Elder

    Thanks everybody!
    Sancus likes this.
  20. Elricvonclief Augur