Conduit of Power Sul merc quest

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Orienn, Aug 16, 2016.

  1. Orienn TreeHugger

    Trying to do this, the first time I didn't realize I didn't get the update for the finding evidence part. Just killed the adds around it dps'd the crystal to 50 adds spawned killed them. Then I look still says find the evidence. Running all over this throne no update, what am I doing wrong?
  2. Quirog Elder

    OK looks like you need to walk around the crystal to get the update for finding it then the destroying it should update after you find it since you destroyed it already. If you beat it down from range that might be why you did not get the find it update.
  3. Orienn TreeHugger

    I did all that through multiple ph's of the named on the top but then my game crashed and I log back into hey the named popped so I think that's enough for me tonight. This is why I got bored before try to do progression get stuck behind a bug wall.