Concert Hall Help

Discussion in 'Hybrid' started by Tyrion, Mar 19, 2013.

  1. Tyrion Journeyman

    Been trying to register with

    Everytime I do it says I'm a spam account and to contact the administrator.

    What am I doing wrong?

    How do I contact the administrator to register?

  2. Aldryn Another New Member

    Your best bet is going to be getting in touch with Darrkin in the serverwide.bards:bards channel. She'll be able to straighten everything out on that end.
  3. Zorasis Lorekeeper

    When you get to the page go to annonuncements and then hit the top sticky - for those registering (I suspect you should be able to see that much even though you arent a member).
  4. Tyrion Journeyman

    Ahh, yah I was able to see the annoucement section. Will reach out to Darrkin.

    Thanks for the help.