command /PART OFF not working

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Snaky-CT, Dec 23, 2012.

  1. Snaky-CT Journeyman

    The command to turn particles off stopped working
    Worked the other day and not working today.
    /Part Off

    This is a VERY useful command especially if you have a laggy connection/pc or low ram
  2. Snaky-CT Journeyman

    Additional information.
    Typeing /HELP NORMAL gives the list of commands.
    There are now two line items that say /petition, one right after the other where it used to give the /part command. Someone did an update.

    Looking for a Dev reply on this please. Even a simple "will look into it....."
  3. Tobynn Augur

    The command stopped working last patch day and was reported in that day's patch bugs thread. No response since.
  4. jgray Developer

    It is being added back in with the next patch. However, the environment particles section of the options window was fixed to work properly (and does the same thing as the old slash command). The game loads the option you previously selected when you log in so after you set it once you no longer need to run the slash command or update the particle option every time you enter the game.
  5. Ronak Augur

    Just a note, this does not work for me. I have all options in options window set to off, and always have. I still had to rely on the /part off command each time I logged on to stop those particles. I tried untoggling all settings and turning them back repeatedly since the patch accidentally removed /part off. It does not work, all particles that /part off used to remove are now permanently on for me, with all options off. Just so you know.
  6. Sarkaukar Augur

    Ronak, open up your eqclient.ini and look for ParticleDensity=2 and set it to 0 (zero) or remove the line completely.

    On new eqclients that line is not in there but on those who have copied their eqclient.ini forever and a day it is there. Now, depending on where it is located in the eqclient file determines whether that command line code is used in the game at start up.
  7. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Would this be why the Click portal to the Void has lost its graphic and is now just a mark on the floor ?

    I seem to have also lost some other particle effects I had before.
  8. jgray Developer

    That sounds possible, although I'm not familiar with how that particular portal is set up, so I can't say for sure. Before, there were two settings that did the same thing and were stomping on each other, which made it so that the Options window -> Particles -> Env -> Density setting did nothing. It now is actually setting your environment particle density. So if that option is set to Off, then none of the environment particles will be appearing. Try setting it to Low, Medium or High (you'll need to zone or camp afterwards for it to take effect) and see if the graphic shows up again.