Clerics- Anticipated Interposition

Discussion in 'Priests' started by Feezles, Dec 24, 2013.

  1. Feezles New Member

    I'm curious as to how many actually use this- and how much?
    I try and land it on all our tanks on raids before a fight but don't usually bother to recast it during - Does anyone?
    I tried setting up an AT for it wearing off but it seems hard enough keeping DI on tanks that way sometimes.
    Thoughts? Any input appreciated!
  2. Ardin Elder

    I use this, buff everyone with this, then, if time allows, buff while fight goes on.
    Thoughts? chanter, better, etc :p
  3. CaRnon Augur

    I cast this on my whole group before raids... but when it fades off I make sure someone does not need a heal more for a few seconds since the longer cast time of AI.. But if I have 5 seconds +- to spare I will rebuff my tanks with it.

  4. Adaire Lorekeeper

    I only use this pre-engage, I feel mid fight the cast time is WAY too long to make this an affective spell if any tank is taking any damage. I might consider casting it during say an evasive or furious disc etc...

    On a slightly related topic having 3+ short term single target only spells to cast pre-engage (DI, AI, and Shining) is becoming tedious! You could also make an arguement that HoT, Vie, Promised, and Retort should all be pre-loaded too, but I get that we can't have it all...
    Oaninn likes this.
  5. Crystilla Augur

    I tend to play more as a 'utility' cleric (not because my cleric lead asks it, but it's my style) so I actually use this a ton on raids. But as a guild we use this a lot. Just checked logs and since Dec 13, someone (me or another cleric) has cast it 767 times. For myself, I've personally done it 262 times since Dec 13 (184 times on the 6 raid nights we've had since 12/13).

    So I'll be one who preloads it on the tanks before engage, and then I will refresh during the fights. Usually it won't be when it fires (as it can fire too quickly) but every fight we do has breaks where I can recast.

    • HoF1 - when it's just the named up (I'll refresh on the tanks tanking the adds)
    • HoF 2 - while waiting for each new wave to spawn
    • Shadows - plenty of times in here before the adds spawn each time
    • Chelsith - again not many tanks need this, but easily refreshed during the fight
    • WK - Refresh before each wave
    • Xulous - Depends where you are in group. The rare times I'm in a warrior group, the only thing I do is make sure that the next 2 warriors in the lineup have this one them. But I only recast it on the actual tank tanking if there's a good breather of space.
    I will say though that the cast time is horribly long. No idea but I'm assuming it's the compromise the Devs wanted to make for giving us a 2nd DI that was proactive rather than reactive.
  6. Mykaylla Augur

    As most have mentioned, it is not so commonly used in the thick of combat, due to the long cast time.

    This was brought up in beta.

    The description on the beta boards was such that Anticipated Interposition was envisioned for protecting non-tanking people from sudden big hits- for example, a squishy that gets jumped by an add spawn. At the short duration though, it's easier for groupers to keep up for the duration of a tough fight than raiders, and that's largely due to the cast time- DI and Shining Bastion are much faster casting shortish duration abilities.

    In fact, with the length of the cast time, it is something that I would recommend calling in a healer channel (along with things like spires and DI) for raiders, because if more than one person is casting it at once, that's 5 seconds of wasted time (max hastened cast time + global refresh) for each redundant caster.

    If you are in fact interested in making an audio trigger, you need to make it for "Your Anticipated Interposition has worn off" and not the actual fade text, because it's the same text as for the Promised line.
  7. LoonyToony Elder

    Tag targets bag spell and put another spell in its place. Pending on event could be a heal or cure or other. I might feel differently if it had more triggers but as it stands it is a tag and bag spell.
  8. Tour Augur

    AI is a spell I want to like but just can't because of its prohibitively long cast time. At least mid-raid. Prior to engage though it's not a bad spell to just throw on whoever you expect to take a lot of damage or take a large hit unexpectedly.
  9. Clarisa Augur

    I apologize for going off-topic, but the icon for this spell still needs to be changed! It was a concern brought up in the last beta that wasn't addressed or responded to publicly. I hope someone gets the message to the design team this beta because it's a simple change that would make a lot of us happy (not as happy as a cast-time reduction, but several of us would like for this spell not to use the same icon as DI).

    Regarding the original question, I don't group much so I can only comment on its use in a raiding environment. It's strictly a pre-event buff for my group and knights without clerical support at this point in time. If there's a lull in combat, like when we're waiting for add waves to spawn, I'll re-cast it during the downtime, but the long cast time time makes it difficult to do so during combat. The spell hasn't seen widespread use among our clerics this expansion, though that may be more a reflection of the lack of difficulty we find with most of the content and not issues with the spell itself.

    I think it could still use a cast time reduction because while the spell is powerful, it isn't as powerful as DI (whose conditions are easier to meet on any target), and even if it were reduced to a respectable-but-still-slow 3 seconds after spell haste and gear focus, I don't see this being spammed on targets that are actually taking damage high enough to meet the threshold (heals are more effective if someone is being beaten up that badly). It would just make it easier to cast between heals if a caster died or got aggro, or if they showed up to the raid a little later than usual.
    CaRnon likes this.
  10. Nenamile New Member

    I would definitely agree that a change of the spell icon would make life easier. And possibly make the longer cast time easier to cope if there were an instant visual signal to mark whether DI or AI required renewal. I mainly keep it up for newly rezzed tanks unless there is a natural pause when it can be safely cast.
  11. Mykaylla Augur

    Just updating- the icon change has pushed to beta already, so it will likely go live when the content release does. It will use a very rarely occurring icon, so there shouldn't be any confusion.
    Thanks Aristo for the help!
    Crystilla likes this.
  12. Nenamile New Member

    Thanks for the update and thanks to Aristo also.
  13. Firrionafan Elder

    Thanks for the info also. And, yes, we also use AI when raiding in our guild when raiding. I agree the long cast time is a "problem," in a way. But, DI ~ SB ~ AI good to place on the tanks just before engage of target.