Cleric Spell Name Change - Divine Mediation (new "DI" ?)

Discussion in 'Priests' started by Auntiem, Dec 20, 2021.

  1. Auntiem New Member

    Hello Support & Devs,

    I would like to send a request to fix a spell name. I have played a Cleric for almost 22 years now. Ever since level 60, Clerics have had the "DI" line of spells, Divine Intervention, and so on. Now, after over 20 years of play, you have named the latest "DI" spell, Divine Mediation ("DM")? I truly believe this is a very large oversight and this has negatively affected gameplay in a huge way for Clerics. Changing a Clerics "DI" line of spells after 20 years is truly unacceptable and has put a very negative connotation on a longstanding understanding of what "DI" means. Using "DM" makes no sense. "DM" is Dungeon Master, or Direct Message, it has nothing to do with a Cleric's Divine Intervention of providing a lifesaving opportunity. For one thing, going from Divine Intermediation (LVL 112), to Divine Mediation (LVL 117), is not a great choice on the face of it. But losing the “DI” consistency is terrible for Clerics and all serious raiders. I say this with all sincerity, it has truly affected the game for me. “DI” means something, everyone knows it, there is no doubt in what is taking place when you hear, “DI incoming on <character-name>”, or “DI Fired”, or “I need DI”. Changing this to “DM” is terrible for everyone in the game. It holds no true understanding, no immediate recognition. And if this means in 5 more levels it’s going to change to some other “DJ”, or “DB”, or “DX”, or “DC”, or “DD”, or “DL”, it will have no meaning at all. “DI” is “DI” and needs to stay “DI” forever in EverQuest. If you are struggling with more names for this spell, here are some that will help you get through the next few expansions:
    Divine Interposing
    Divine Involvement
    Divine Interceding
    Divine Interaction
    Divine Interference
    Divine Impinging
    Divine Infringement
    Divine Intrusion
    Divine Invasion
    Divine Incursion
    Divine Infiltration
    Divine Involution
    If you need more, I would be more than happy to help.
    I am not someone who would request a fix like this unless it was something I truly felt very strongly about. This has had a very negative effect in the game for me. Of course, we are still calling it “DI”, but the fact remains that due to this name change, this spell has lost its meaning.
    Please, please, PLEASE, change the name of this spell back to a “DI” spell.

    Lifelong Player of EverQuest,
    Auntiem Auntiem
    Lluianae, minimind, Conq and 2 others like this.
  2. Fenthen aka Rath

    I still call whateveritis Aego. I understand "aego", everyone understands "aego" -- it's the Aegolism line, no matter what it's called now.

    I'm still asked for QM and it hasn't been called that in quite some time.
  3. Vumad Cape Wearer

  4. Firrionafan Elder

    Agree. Name change it back to DI something.
  5. Crystilla Augur

    I did include this in a compilation post I made to Devs for things missing or weirdly named.
  6. Lluianae Elder

    I had wondered why ToL had started to rename decades old acronyms. DI and VoV sprang to mind. Not that it's much to change it from DI to DM but still, everyone's going to call it what they first knew it as. I'm also quite biased to the other for... reasons!