cleric aura: "Bastion of Divinity" blocking hots from shaman "Melancholy"

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Kumudil, Mar 8, 2022.

  1. Kumudil Journeyman

    Clerics aura: Bastion of Divinity
    Bastion of Divinity Effect
    Range: 200'
    Resist: Beneficial, Blockable: Yes
    Focusable: Yes
    1: Increase Max HP by 15%
    2: Increase Current HP by 6352 (If HP Less Than 20 Percent)

    Shamans short-time buff: Melancoly
    Melancholy Health
    Slot 2: Increase Current Hit Points by 3413 per Tick

    Setup to reproduce the bug:
    create a group with any tank, shaman, Cleric
    cast the clerics aura: "Bastion of Divinity"
    cast the shamans short time buff: "Melancoly" onto the tank
    let the tank get hit by any mob

    As long as the tank is within the range of the clerics aura, the shaman buffs "melancoly health" procc will never trigger, as it's blocced from the clerics aura but the hot from the clerics aura will only trigger when the tanks health drops below 20%.

    So as long as the new clerics aura "Bastion of Divinity" is used, the tanks will get less heal when most needed, in any case the tank is under attack by mobs.

    proposed solution:
    change "slot 2" of either clerics aura "Bastion of Divinity Effect" or shamans short time buff "Melancholy" recourse "Melancholy Health" (in this case including all the previous versions of it)

    My feeling is, that this interference can't be intentional, as it makes this "upgrade" of the aura worse, than the old version of it is.