Clayton Teen HA

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Dbrane, Dec 14, 2017.

  1. Dbrane Lorekeeper

    Has anybody noticed when Clayton gives out a TDS HA that you get no experience for completing it? I haven't done any of these things for a while, being maxed out on xp and AAs, but did a few when the level cap got raised the other day.

    For the CotF HAs i got somewhere around 18 pct of 106 when finishing with Lotd running.

    Then i did the Castle Relic one. Before starting i was at 57 pct into level 106.

    Probably killed 30 mobs in the HA, taking me to 60 pct.

    After final hail or turn-in i was at 60 pct. Not much of a bonus, unless i am misunderstanding the meaning of the word.

    Is it just me? Or has anybody else noticed this?
  2. Funk Augur

    I think TDS it's xp per mob not a big xp hit at end of mission. Where in CoTF it's the opposite, virtually no xp on mobs but the nice hit at the end.So the xp might just be horrible there now which is sad as it's still an important expansion with lots to attain.

    The bonus part is worded strange also, in the description shown in the quest window it says the bonus is mercenary xp when in fact it's both player and merc xp bonus.
  3. Gialana Augur

    That's right. I think the normal bonus at level 105 was 1 AA for TDS HA completion. If you have that going to normal experience, you'd have to get a little lucky to see the rounded percent value change. The EoK normal completion experience at 105 was usually 3 AA.
  4. Scorrpio Augur

    It looks to me that Teek bonus just doubles xp earned for completion. Works great in CotF where most award is completion. But TDS, TBM and EoK HAs are kill xp with completion award being quite small. About only real benefit is you get a port straight to the HA NPC.