Claim system down?

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by EQJunkie76, Oct 25, 2016.

  1. EQJunkie76 Journeyman

    Tried to Claim several items on a new character for the past 30 minutes and it keeps telling me:

    "Items cannot be claimed at this time. Please try again in a few minutes."

    Please advise.
  2. EQJunkie76 Journeyman

    Still unable to claim any items.
  3. EQJunkie76 Journeyman

    3:32PM CST - Claim system still broken with the same message.
  4. EQJunkie76 Journeyman

    4:22PM CST - Claim system still broken. Per in-game comments in General Chat this is impacting everyone.
  5. EQJunkie76 Journeyman

    6:03PM CST - Claim system still broken w/ same message.
  6. Wha? Journeyman

    Hear that coming from the fog? A sick, sorted little chortle or two... o_O
  7. EQJunkie76 Journeyman

    Tried again as of 8:38PM CST and it's working now. I was able to successfully claim a Gift of Legacies Lost.