Claim DBG timer?

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Venea, Sep 9, 2017.

  1. Venea Journeyman

    So a few questions about the monthly stipend.
    1) What happens if I go complete space cadet and forget to claim it entirely?
    2) Does the timer start when I claim the stipend, or is it actually still going behind the scenes?
    2a) If it's the former, am I essentially screwing myself by not being online and clicking it the moment it goes active?
  2. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    1) you loose it. It does not build up month to month.However your claim period starts when your payment does. So if you started paying on the 5th of the month then that is when your claim will be active each month. You have until the following month on the 4th to claim it - 30 days but it does not matter when during the 30 days. It even tells you right under it how long you have.

    Once you click /claim you get either
    a) $5 DBC or b) some sort of potion pack
    c) another sort of potion pack or
    d) LON deck of which you are guaranteed 2 prizes - no cards really just the goodies.

    These items are limited time - about 10 minutes. So if you don't claim cause you got distracted then you lost it. Can't quite imagine that one though ;)
  3. Venea Journeyman

    Well I'm glad I don't screw myself if I'm not on top of hitting the claim button the day it goes active. Kinda crappy of them to change the system to that from an automatic grant, though.
    And yea, I saw the 500 DBC offer. Mine was an Adventure 2 potion, 2 LoN sets and the Ayr'dal set. I just took the cash :B
    More likely to use the cash in Planetside 2 than buy anything in EQ, tbh XD
  4. Scorrpio Augur

    Far as I know:
    Your claim time is on the day/time of account activation. I.e. I reactivated my old account on May 15 at 8pm, and my DBC claim is now always on 15th at 8pm. Not sure how this works for accounts activated on a 31st. Likely in this case your claim time is on whatever last day of the month is.
    Once your claim becomes available, you have a full month to claim it. I.e. suppose I did not claim the DBC that became available on Aug 15th. I guess I should be able to claim it as late as 7:59pm on Sep 15th. And then claim another 500 a minute later. However, if I do NOT claim my August amount before 8pm on Sep 15th, it goes poof and I have lost it. And yes, I have claimed my DBC days after it became available, and it did not affect the next claim date.