Charmable trigger mobs in MPG?

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Zigie, Jun 30, 2022.

  1. Zigie Journeyman

    Category: Quest [Can Repro]

    Zone: Muramite Proving Grounds
    Location: -2807.52, -127.46, -306.37, 151.14

    Target NPC: Pashia Clouddancer
    Target Location: -2901.00, 86.25, -306.36, 167.50

    Description: Epic paladin 2.0 mob appears to now be charmable as a pet in MPG.

    This may stop paladins from triggering epic 2.0 fights as the lvl 70 warrior is now a charmed pet and wondering around the zone. All epic mobs need to be made NO CHARM so they can be triggered if they are up for epic fights.