Character login issue

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Snowsilver85, Jan 9, 2018.

  1. Snowsilver85 New Member

    So when I try to login to one character my druid I started it kicks me back to the server select screen. So I click on same server again but this time I click on Return Home and I am able to login so when you run out of the Half ling city game crashes again back to the character select screen. So I choose my Druid again and back at the same thing but this time game closes.
    when I relaunch the game client this time i select a different character and I am able to login fine move around play for 20 minutes and try switching back to my druid I keep getting same error over again does anyone know what might be going on with the Halffling starting city and zones around it?
  2. Yruc Augur

    Sounds like you are crashing when you zone out of Rivervale and into Misty? Have you tried to zone from Rivervale and into Kithcore Forrest to see if it crashes that way as well? Are you using a custom UI? Have you tried using the default UI? Have you tried deleting and re-installing EQ?
  3. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    Sounds like it is a problem with the druid. I would delete the zone files for whichever zone char is trying to log into or go to before uninstalling all of EQ? If that didn't work then copy/save that char file to safe place and delete just that char. Can your other char go to those zones ok?