Changing Resolution restarts PC?

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Asiema, Jul 27, 2017.

  1. Asiema Elder

    So...I made a wee magician alt, decided I missed old eq pet animations.

    I went in and turned off all new models, just for everything, for a bit of nostalgia.

    I load into game, and the resolution auto sets to the smallest possible sizes so everything is massive on the screen. No big deal, I just go in and change it back to what I run which is like 1920x1280...I think...

    Anyways, soon as I hit accept, screen goes black...then....the whole entire computer does a full restart.

    So I thought boy, ill leave those new models on I guess.

    Went in and just turned them all back on and said heck with it.

    Went in to game and still massive UI on screen, check resolution, still not right, so I change it back to my default one I run which is 1920x1280 and BAM...

    PC does a full restart...I am stuck with a resolution of like 800x600. All I did was turned off new models and then I turned them back on so....I "fixed" the only problem I could have caused and yet the game will no longer accept any resolution change, I even tried just doing my old monitor settings on my laptop, I just went with 1280x960? (something around there)


    PC hard reboot again...

    Hmmm Can you help me with this? I am soooooo lost on this one, I have no clue why it is still doing this, and I have changed those model settings in the past with no problem so this is baffling.

    Thanks in advance!
  2. Asiema Elder


    Ok, so, literally after posting that I thought id give this problem one more shot.

    So I went back into where the character model options are, flipped to the next page and noticed a drop down box there that had screen resolutions in it and it was defaulted to the low setting.

    So I hit the drop down, biggest it will give me is some odd 1640xsomething....something close to that.

    So even though I have a monitor capable of a higher setting I shrug, click that option and load in.

    Wonderful I have a setting size that is playable and actually resembles what I had...even though in game I had selected the 1920 but whatever, because oddly at this level it seems the exact same.

    So I go ahead anyways and go to select the larger screen resolution...I literally bought this monitor just for this reason lol.


    Computer does a hard reset....what the F is going on here?

    Ive made it now playable, so...I shall be ok....but can you atleast explain why I am not allowed to alter screen resolution sizes at all in game?

    Never used to be a problem...
  3. Eniner Augur

    Your in game resolution must match its settings. Could be a number of things honestly hard to see without seeing the logs on it. Need to see when and where and why its hanging and doing a hard crash. before loading into the game go to options and try changing the resolution to what it was before in there. This is the option section on the patcher it self not in game. Then once in game try and reload the resolution you set the patcher to. What i think is happening here is your patcher resolution settings is not matching your in game resolution settings.
  4. Markkuss New Member

    Part of the problem is that the configuration interface used via the launchpad is as old as Luclin. You cannot set a proper resolution using that interface, it will reset resolution to default. Then, it will not match what was last saved to your EQclient.ini file between windowed and full screen and will cause a crash. What I have found to work better, is to edit the aforementioned file directly. To toggle new models on/off, look for lines that state "UseLuclinModelXY" TRUE/FALSE. X=race, Y=gender, TRUE=on, FALSE=off. There should be lines for mounts and elementals also. Some of the smaller elf races are tied together as well, you must have wood elf on if you want to use dark elf or half elf. Also look for lines that stipulate resolutions. They are separated by width and height and by windowed vs. full screen. You must change both sets to match. Making these changes, taking care to match the existing formats on each line, should resolve your problem. If not, then it is beyond me as to why you're computer is behaving this way.
  5. Febb Augur

    Do you have the latest drivers installed for your video card?
  6. svann Augur

    If your computer is rebooting there is a problem with your computer. On a good computer eq can crash but no way could it cause a hard reboot. All modern versions of windows are supposed to prevent programs from crashing the system, but when there are OS, driver, or hardware issues then it can still happen. Make sure Windows and your graphics drivers are fully updated.
  7. Eniner Augur

    Not entirely true i have had this same exact problem and it was when i messed wih resolution on the client side then messed with in game. If they dont match when login it will def reboot windows some reason i could not track down the source as to why though.
  8. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    Only Use the game configuration in the launchpad to set the starting resolution (800x600 or 1024x76) Either of these will help to prevent issues later on on startup. Which is where your issue is.
    Actual game default resolution without touching anything is 640x480, which can also cause issues.
    If you can get into the actual game, that is where you want to set the resolution to play. Alt O, Display tab, Video button will show all available resolutions the video card has.
    Also switch from Full screen to windowed mode and set the resolution to where you like it. Suggest using windowed mode if you like to alt tab. It will also help reduce issues.
    Sarkaukar likes this.