Changes with the February Update: Developer Updates

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Prathun, Feb 5, 2014.

  1. Vilul New Member

    I can definitely see some of the need for this. There are a lot of low-level AAs that are now completely worthless. One example... Packrat. With all the weight reduction bags and coins being weightless, weight hardly matter anymore. They could probably just remove this AA and refund all the one's people spent on it. So giving some of these to people, I'd have to say so what.

    Some people that are not happy with it should really grow up. The devs are trying to make it fair for everyone. Some people take it as a personal offense from the devs to themselves. That tells me that they are probably that way in real life too. You can't raise yourself up by holding others down. In other words, look at it this way, if we ever group or raid together, my toon will be a little more powerful with the free AAs. This will only help the group. However, these people can't think that way. They are too egotistical, thinking they are big bad arses because they have 8k of AAs and "I worked hard to get them, and other people are going to get some free and now I won't be as elite as I was". Boo frickin' hoo! These same people probably have been PL-ed at one point, or PL-ed someone else, which is pretty much the same thing... getting XP and not really earning it.

    That's just the way it is, the game keeps changing. Been playing almost from the beginning myself and it a lot better in ways, and in some ways, it is worse. I remember the days before having a compass... True North meant something. Running everywhere, through multiple zones, because there were no PoK stones. I remember getting a +1 to Int ring and couldn't believe I had a magic ring.

    So to all those threatening to quit because they are making changes that you don't like, good then, quit! Nobody will probably miss you anyway. More than likely, if you're making such a fuss, you're probably one of the "big shot, bad arses", stealing everybody's kills. If you're not, then shut the heck up with your "I'm gonna quit, boo hoo" talk. Provide constructive feedback / suggestions to the devs or just accept the changes as we have with all the other gazillions of changes to the game over the years.

    Now to the Devs:
    You want to do something to really improve the game, but not really affect game play. Fix the darn spell books. After how many years, numerous expansions and levels - there are so many spells. It is way too hard and time-consuming to try to organize or arrange the 50 pages of spells in my book. Spells that are in the same line should stack or something. I'm sure that something can be done. I can't imagine what it will be like after another 10-15 years (hoping that EQ is still going strong then).
  2. Luclin.Dragonball Lorekeeper

    I take major issue with this excuse. Wizards NEVER asked for instant cast beams to replace normal cast-time versions. Make the Magician beams instant cast, and penalize them for casting, too. Or add a cast time for Wizards, and remove it. Or remove the spells from the game! This is nonsense and completely in defiance of basic logic.
  3. Avaa New Member

    I say just remove the beam line give them a snare of sorts and they can quad kite like a druid :))
  4. poto Elder

    took me 2 months to level from 82 to 100, gain an extra 2k AA, obtain all T1 visible and none visible RoF gear(or better). lv 1 to 82 really take years because the other part doesn't.

    And most wont be getting RoF or Coft gear as most wont buy the expansions, just a one month sub to get the aa
    Morningdew likes this.
  5. Axxius Augur

    Instances lag the server the same as static zones. JChan's post indicates that, and one of Piestro's posts in the mega-thread confirmed it (he mentioned static AND instanced Evantil and CoB as examples). Swarming needs to be eliminated everywhere, not just in static zones.
  6. sinderkad Augur

    Please read more carefully. The last part of my comment refers to what would happen is gear was treated the same way people want AAs to be treated.

    You did this solo, as a new player without the help of others to power you along the way? No boxing? What is your /played. I could do it, but not many players without decent knowledge could. If so, congrats on demonstrating ....something?
  7. Shadva Del`Shai Augur

    It doesn't matter if it's being done in a static zone or an instance. Do you think that instanced zones are hosted on space rocks? Lagging ANY zone affects every single zone hosted on that entire physical server that it's running on.

    After all of this crap, anyone caught deliberately causing lag should be banned immediately.
  8. Ssixa Augur

    Rangers start to get a single target version of the Arrow nukes at level 85, we have two on separate timers starting at level 86 (one has a recast a tick or two longer than the other). That said...nobody uses either AE version of these spells when headshotting. Heck, most rangers don't even bother pulling more than 7 to 10 at a time with Vinelash because if you pull a swarm (lets say 30, which in terms of "swarm" is still small) it can easily become unmanageable when that root randomly breaks on 1 target every tick or two. Its MUCH more manageable with less targets, and they don't take long to go down.

    Look. 30 to 50 headshots a minute is not realistic. At worst, you are saying you get a headshot every 2 seconds, and at best you are saying you get a headshot almost 1 per second. That just isn't feasible given the % chance of an arrow converting into a headshot.
    Ronthorn Oakenarm and Kolani like this.
  9. kenmei Augur

    I'm an off and on player since '99.
    On the upcoming class changes, I feel you're gutting classes for no good reason, you could honestly address swarming in many other environmental ways and using the 'play nice' policy you created and enforcing it, but that would take effort beyond pressing a few keys and changing code. It's almost like you're enjoying 'griefing' your customer base with this change.

    On the AA grant, well I have 25 toons over 3 accounts. levels 71-100 (only 1 100), AA ranges from 500-7k. I have earned them, not PLd them. I have 1 (sometimes 2) of each class, and I enjoy playing them, but this upcoming AA announcement with the further explanation of giving nothing to those who have earned their AAs, has made me lack any desire to log in. I'll watch the boards to see if anything changes, but honestly, I see no point in playing the game anymore. Everything I have earned you're just giving away in 11 days. You're not reimbursing us the AAs we earned, just taking our money and literally laughing at us.
    As much as it pains me to say this: There are other games. If there was a way to get the yearly sub'd months I had left back, I would do so. So glad I waited and not yearly sub'd my 2nd and 3rd accounts, but yeah I did buy my expansions, like I always had. Just another sucker, but thanks for making it easy to walk away.
    Everquest : NGE

    Do you really think we are going to even give EQNext a look if you go through with these changes?
    Mozzarella and Morningdew like this.
  10. Nightmares Augur

    The point is, that earning is always a more full-filling sense of accomplishment. If they Sell these Heroic Characters, then turn around and grant ALL of the AAs as has been stated, that character will be absolutely max for up through underfoot. That takes away from everything up to that point for the adventure, the journey. You don't understand that?
    As for each of the "veteran's" pride in accomplishment. It IS an accomplishment what each and every player has been able to do with their own toons up to this point. All the quests from Classic EQ, Kunark, Velious, Luclin, Planes, LDoN, LoY, GoD, OoW, DoD, DoN, TSS, PoR, TBS, SoF, SoD, and UF; that's a LOT of trials and tribulations, a lot of firsts, a lot fails, in the early days a LOT of CRs. Of COURSE people want to be distinguished about their accomplishments over those that get things handed to them; they paved the way, even for some of the GMs. If you don't believe me, look to the Real world for Prime examples. Look at that TV show, those Rich kids of B.H., they went on a Talk show and got blasted by people that WORK for what they have vs those kids that get everything handed to them. You can't understand my logic?? Its plain as day.
    Its basically the same thing,a person can say: " I worked for everything, and they get everything handed to them. I know the value of my character, they take theirs for granted. They'll get groups, and they'll fail miserably, I do not want to be in one of those groups with someone that hasn't taken the time to learn what their toons can do, or what they can handle in terms of: numbers of mobs, CC, healing, agro, tanking, etc. Should I have to do extra in a grp to make sure it survives cause someone that has a higher level toon can't do their job? No, of course not. We finish what we have and boot that person, but now We've all wasted time and/or effort waiting for that person to get to grp and have to start over". That's the slap in the face.
    You don't agree with me, fine. That's your opinion. But don't read what someone says and not: think about it and/or figure out the deeper reasons. I know some will not agree with my statements. If you read ANY of my prior postings here, you know I have been trying to work with them, giving possible alternatives to the issues and also trying to meet them halfway. All you did here was attack someones opinion. Why not try to think about a solution that will be beneficial, be in line with what they want, but also try to handle some of what the mass majority are looking for? They are giving things away that won't necessarily apply to the whole population that it affects, You really think the after effect wouldn't be resentment in some form or another by many? If you do, go back and read ALL the posts from both discussions again, cause I think you missed something there.
    And no, I am not attacking you or your opinion. :)
  11. poto Elder

    its not them trying to make aa easier to obtain - its the blatant setting up eq to ship pre leveled AA'ed toons out the cash shop and try to prevent players pl'ing rather than create a reward path In Game to gain them.

    Try right clicking your spell gem! what you're asking has been in game for years!
  12. Langya Augur

    Yup. I am aware of that. I beamed for a whole week and got bored with it. I really just wanted to see what all the fuss was about. Not the best reasoning but it's my story and I am sticking to it. The instances also causing lag was news, but my beaming phase had come and gone by then.
  13. Oranges Augur

    I never arrange stuff in a spellbook because you can right click your spell icons now. Not really a big deal now, really.
  14. Harabakc Augur

    Something that effect, but I refuse to say anything else about it. There's enough needless crap getting nerfed.
    Pirouette likes this.
  15. sinderkad Augur

    But for a New or returning player, what exists in the way of adventure in those AAs and old content? Who is there to play with? Consider how outdated gear becomes over time. If gear were treated in the same manner as AAs are now, it would take AGES to gear up to max.
    Would you like everyone to grind for a minimum of 6 months to get caught up? A Year? 2 years?
    Whats the point?
    Shouldn't we give new and returning players a chance to PLAY with the top heavy crowd in this game? I would hate to solo for so dang long in the hopes of reaching a semi-equal foot that veterans have.
    They are not getting Full AA and levels, they are getting AAs that are several expansions old.
    Leeroy Jenkins likes this.
  16. Oranges Augur

    I thought that too at first. In fact you can read my posts before where I said this was a great idea, and I still think it is.

    However, the conspiracy theorists have a point.

    *apparently there will be lvl 85 heroic characters. Just a coincidence the AA are up to lvl 85 too? I guess....

    *suddenly EQ cares about newbees and wants to give people AA??
    What about not too long ago you nerfed OMM?? And even after complaints, you still did not want to give people 2 AA....

    ....2 freaking AA.......because as SoE said...that was too you're going to give them 4000?

    Something doesn't add up does it. lol
  17. Reincarnated Lorekeeper

    In defense of the granted AA and characters they propose, I will say that i have previously thought many times how hard it must be for the new player who's never experienced EQ or has been gone far too long to get things off on the right foot. We all know if you don't already know someone playing that can help gear and outfit you then they probably don't have a chance in today's EQ. I've always rather loved the chance to take a "newbie" under my wing, and help gear him, instruct him, and help him enjoy the long standing world I have enjoyed for years.

    I see both sides of the story, and although I don't officially support the free granting of anything to anyone I will suggest that their be something that differentiates these folks from other players who honestly and legibly earned both their levels and AA. Whether it be a tattoo on their character, an indication on their inspection, or etc. This can be determined.

    A lot of individuals argue that it's not fair for people who have earned all of their experience to be sitting right next to someone who was granted theirs, with zero difference. I'm sure the community as a whole can come up with some idea to allow those players who choose not to adapt the grant to stand out due to their accomplishments. This theory may help put to rest some of the arguments along this line.
    dreama121 likes this.
  18. Langya Augur

    So do we need to trade in the torches and pitchforks for tinfoil hats now?
  19. Oranges Augur

    You can wear both at the same time.
  20. Langya Augur

    No thanks. This has pretty much gone plaid at this point. Ludicrous Speed!
    Morningdew likes this.