Captcha out of control

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Joules_Bianchi, Aug 16, 2023.

  1. Joules_Bianchi A certain gnome

    11, that's 10+1, solves on one login.

    Sissruukk and Herf like this.
  2. Herf Augur

    Bicycles and motorcycles. Triggered!!!
    jeskola likes this.
  3. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    What if I've never been in a school bus before?
    jeskola, Corwyhn Lionheart and Herf like this.
  4. Svann2 The Magnificent

    Does a bumper of a schoolbus count as a schoolbus?
  5. Herf Augur

    Seriously. A lot of us getting older and it's getting more and more difficult to read those tiny, fuzzy, photos on Capcha :(
  6. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Lately I keep getting captcha not loading and I can't sign in without solving it or captcha deciding I don't have to. Sometimes I have to refresh several times just to get captcha to load.
    Lubianx likes this.
  7. Loup Garou De loop de loop

    I have never had to do captcha when logging into these forums and just figured it was because I was using Firefox.

    Well, I am also using windows 8.1 on one computer and firefox decided to remove itself from that computer last week. Yep just totally killed itself. No warning just a pop up message telling me its no longer working with 8. Poof all those bookmarks gone. But on to the point:

    I am now using others stuff like Opera, Google, Bandaided Firefox etc. Every single one I am using puts me thru at least 5 captcha. I cannot see those fuzzy things at all.

    I agree, they control the captcha and there is NO need for it on these forums in which the user or posters account is based on their EQ ACCOUNT.......duh
  8. Bobokin Augur

    From my experience, CAPTCHA is only a pain on this board if someone is using a VPN. Of course, that should be most of us, but there it is.

    I guess the board is wondering who that person from Hong Kong is when the same account just had a log in from Amsterdam.
  9. Wulfhere Augur

  10. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    Captcha is a pain weather your using a VPN or not. And skipping does not work

    Captcha is supposed to cut down on numerous unwanted posts on sites but does not see to be working in these forums

    Get rid of it. It does nothing but tick off your customers
  11. Svann2 The Magnificent

    I dont have the problem with captcha, but Ive always wondered why I need to log back in to the forum every time I close my browser. Ive seen no other website do this. Just everquest.
    Herf and Sissruukk like this.
  12. Snoogadooch Journeyman

    I have nightmares about crosswalks.
    Herf, Sissruukk and Nennius like this.
  13. Bigstomp Augur

    Have not had to answer a captcha in about a year. I have had to click a check mark saying I'm not a robot. (which I guess is a behind the scenes captcha)
    Annastasya likes this.
  14. Iven the Lunatic

    It does not work correctly but I think that Google does offer those captchas for a whole other reason than login protection. They do train an AI programm by feeding it with your selection choices. They even might analyze your behaviour by them and saving it into person profiles that are based on your login data or IP adress.
  15. Joules_Bianchi A certain gnome

    nope, no VPN, just Captcha is out of control.

    Yandex dropped Captcha and uses a different version with little pictogtraphs and it asks you to put them in numerical order to solve. MUCH easier to deal with and a better failsafe vs bots.
    CatsPaws likes this.
  16. Iven the Lunatic

    Let's try that. Order the point clusters in a numerical order:
    ..:::...: .:.::.:: ::..:: ...::..
    Nennius likes this.
  17. Fanra

    I don't know if I can get this to Daybreak's web developers, but Cloudflare has announced a replacement for CAPTCHAs called Turnstile. Free for everyone.

    I think Daybreak should look into this as it appears to be much better than CAPTCHA.

    My personal opinion of Cloudflare is that they are an excellent company with great products.
    Nennius likes this.
  18. Bigstomp Augur

    Took me 12 school busses, about 5 cars and 7 cats.
    I did it but any other company would lose me at the 2nd schoolbus.
    And yes, it was absolutely insane the hoops I had to go through to pay a company money.
    Herf likes this.
  19. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    But the good news is now you know you are human. :)
  20. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    I didnt recall this happening but I just tested it and I do have to relog in. I don't accept cookies though from the site could that be it?