Cant transfer Character....

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by SirScale, Mar 24, 2017.

  1. SirScale New Member

    Started on VOX with a buddy and got to 105, we both decided we wanted to head to Rathe where our co-workers and some other friends are raiding, It let him Xfer his wizard just fine, but will not let me transfer my SK, says something like account/charecter is to new or something like that, and says that my char has only been around 26 days.... i made the character in december, and also have the account verification email to prove it. i made a ticket, but was told they take forever now days, anyone have any ideas? going into the weekend and would like to play with my friends, since my only RL friend on VOX is now gone lol!

    Thanks in advance

  2. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    Yeah from the knowledge base it says:
    "Your account and character must be at least 60 days old."
    So you meet that criteria but if that is the message your getting you will need to file a petition. Make sure you answer any email they send or go into the account on the website and check your ticket status.
  3. SirScale New Member

    ya, like i said the really odd part is my buddy and i made chars literally within 5 min of each other.... last night we was playing on rathe with RL friends and i was hitting my keyboard on VOX lol
  4. Zamiam Augur

    did this get resolved ? im thinking of transferring my toon but only made her a week ago.. on the char transfer token in game it says nothing about character having to be 60 days old , however on DB website it does mention it .. so which is right
  5. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    What it shows on the DB website would be more accurate as it was updated Jan 25th. And the marketplace is seldom accurate since they lost the employees who took care of it and now are trying to run it with one untrained person whom they put in 2 years ago and still doesn't seem to have a handle on it.
    • Your character must be at least level 20.
    • Your account and character must be at least 60 days old.
    Keep in mind that this is only server to server transfers are available at this time. No account to accounts.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  6. Zamiam Augur

    thank you catspaws .. I got the same reply from DB also ..