Cannot /Claim in-era items

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Wyre Wintermute, Oct 11, 2022.

  1. Wyre Wintermute I'm just a butterly dreaming I'm a man

    Current expansion: CoTF (TDS in <2 weeks)

    Sebilisan Ornamentation crate (2012 Winback)
    Welcome to Everquest (2012 Winback) (Still don't know what this thing is anyways)
    FanFaire Celebration Summoner (FF 2009)

    Not sure if there are others out there... but these should have been available with their associated expansions.
    Fenthen, Jedis, Yinla and 2 others like this.
  2. Wyre Wintermute I'm just a butterly dreaming I'm a man

    So.. I'll just reply to my own post here. TDS launched on Ragefire, and one of the TDS claims " Familiar Ankylosaurus" is flagged as unclaimable, as well as the others listed above + probably more that I don't have or have already been claimed.
    Eviara and Duder like this.
  3. Wyre Wintermute I'm just a butterly dreaming I'm a man

    Still can't claim in-era items.. TBM opens in a month and this guy (as well as others) still not unlocked in era...[IMG]
    Eviara likes this.
  4. Eviara Journeyman

    The TDS Beta reward "Tricorne Hat" is also unclaimable in-era on Ragefire :( i was so bummed to not get to claim my fancy hat, i was really looking forward to it
    Wyre Wintermute likes this.
  5. Jedis Arch Mage

    There at dozens, if not hundreds of items in /claim that do not have a proper expansion associated with them. This leaves them unclaimable. +1 for these to get fixed.
    Eviara, Fenthen and Wyre Wintermute like this.
  6. Wyre Wintermute I'm just a butterly dreaming I'm a man

    This Monday, TBM launched on Ragefire.. now this guy is claimable. It should be TDS not TBM:


    There are still others that should be claimable in their respective era and aren't:



    Yet somehow this 2012 winback is claimable...

    Please feel free to add more as your TLP's unlock expansions.

    It is silly that some of this stuff is locked/blocked while things like NoS claims are readily available....
    Eviara likes this.
  7. Eviara Journeyman

    The TDS Beta reward "Tricorne Hat" became available when TBM launched, an expansion later than it should've but ayyy, I can wear my hat now