Can you not earn AA xp when a higher level player is in your group?

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Lambro, Nov 3, 2020.

  1. Lambro Lorekeeper

    For some reason when this one player joins my group to help me level, I earn zero AA xp and instead just earn the regular level xp.

    It's so weird. I will even have 100% AA xp on but the xp will stop going towards AA xp as soon as he joins the group and instead will go to regular xp.

    When I am grouped with others around my level, I can earn AA xp...but when this one particular player joins the party, it stops earning AA xp and goes towards my level instead. Even when I'm grouped with others and he joins or if it's just me and he joins.

    Is this intended or a bug? I'm a silver account so can't earn auto AAs which is why I sometimes turn on my AA xp.

    Edit: Just incase anyone asks.. yes I am still earning xp. I get xp messages with him in group. But it goes towards my level isntead of AAs even though I have it set to AAs prior to him joining.
  2. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    If the Mobs Con Grey to the highest Character in group the toons getting xp can not recieve AA only regular level experience

    But am curious what level are you and what level is he and how many AA do you have?
    Annastasya likes this.
  3. Lambro Lorekeeper

    I am level 82 and I believe he was level 106 and I have 200 AAs.

    We were in Fort Mech. Everything there cons dark blue and some yellows right now but I was also there at level 76 with him and everything was yellow and red and still wasn't getting AAs. But I was getting level xp and it was good xp too.. just wouldnt go towards AAs for some reason even though I had it set for AAs
  4. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    What I am saying is if the mobs con grey to him - which pretty sure they do since that is a level 80 zone - then any one lower than him is limited to regular exp no AA exp.

    Its not what they con to you.
  5. Hegsheoshed Augur

    To put it another way the higher level character also has to get exp of either type for you to get aa exp.
  6. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    Turn off AAXP, get to 105, sub for 1 month. Done.
  7. Lambro Lorekeeper

    Easier said that done. My RL is a mess so I use gaming as a means to escape. Can't afford a sub for a month which is why I'm grinding AAs and leveling to where I can go farm plat for a Krono.

    I just assumed if I was earning any experience at all it could go towards AA or regular XP. Didn't know that the higher level character had to earn xp for me to get AA xp since I was getting regular xp..

    But thanks all at least I know now.
  8. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    Your plan still won't work. You can only get 250 AA as a F2P account. So, leveling is the only option.

    Seriously, it's $15.
  9. Lambro Lorekeeper

    Seriously now you're being an a$$. I HAVE NO MONEY

    I can get 1,000 AAs as a silver account. And when I'm skilled enough I can farm plat and get a Krono. No big deal.
  10. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    Not being an . $15 is nothing, unless you live in Bangladesh, or are 12.

    And, didn't know you were silver, so :p
  11. Lambro Lorekeeper

    Look, I've got 97 cents to my name.. I live with my grandmother whom has cancer again.. and I don't work so I don't risk bringing home Covid. Drop it.
  12. Tegila Augur

    $15 might seem like nothing, but its not like the old SOE gamecards either where yo ucan go pay cash for that $15 either, you have to have a creditcard that is capable of having recurring charges posted to it, AND make sure it doesnt get charged again or it is no longer just $15. Saving up his plat for a krono and using autogrants and wahtever he can get in a month is a great way to work around these issues and a strategy i was telling someone the other day almost to the letter.

    and prepaid cc's 1: shouldnt allow recurring charges i.e. subscriptions to be posted and 2: have fees to buy, and later refill, and in most cases just to exist each month (cheapest ive found is $1.50 with no other fees, if in the right state. ive gotten prepaids for literally $1 before but they had fees so immediately after activation said fee gets charged etc. with a prepaid it is never just $15, even if yo ucould get a sub to go through, and if someone is that broke they likely dont have a normal credit credit card.

    dont judge. when someone is broke, that "nothing" $15 has much etter places it can be spent than on a game that a little patience and work can bypass the monetary cost of. I wish i was as sensible with my cash when i get it as teh guy that refuses to spend it on a game when he cant spare to do so.
    Lambro likes this.
  13. Accipiter Old Timer

    Ouch. Maybe someone will take mercy and give you a krono.
  14. Lambro Lorekeeper

    I don't need mercy nor am I looking for a handout. I was simply posting a question. I don't mind farming plat for a Krono.
  15. Derd Augur

    Your question was answered, gray no xp mobs to anyone who joins your group equals only regular xp for you.
  16. Lambro Lorekeeper

    And I said thank you but people keep posting lol