Camp Sizes

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Thorak1234, Jun 8, 2015.

  1. Thorak1234 Lorekeeper

    Camp sizes are very different than I remember in classic era. I remember every named being an individual camp. At least that's how it was on my server.

    For example, these are the camps I heard people claiming on Ragefire.

    spiders - bats1, bats2, lava beetles, lava duct crawlers, etc...
    royals - king, priest, champion, etc...

    That's absurd!!!...

    Is this something that was unique to my server or have things changed since classic era? It just seems greedy to claim 2-3 nameds per camp.

    And, it feels like part of the complaining about overcrowding is due to people claiming too many camps at once.

    Back in the day people were content with 1 named for an entire group and maybe 2 to 3 trash mobs for xp every half hour. Of course, it took ages to level but people were content.

    Xanadas and Fallfyres like this.
  2. nectarprime123 Augur

    If the group can hold down all those spawn points, why shouldn't they be able to? If you think they don't deserve it, go try to out-DPS them.
  3. Bumpkin Augur

    If you can keep a camp cleared then that is what your camp is.
    nectarprime123 likes this.
  4. Thorak1234 Lorekeeper

    I don't think it has anything to do with deserving. I just think zones can fit a hell of a lot more groups if people didn't take 4 nameds for a single group.

    And, if you try to claim 1 out of their 4 nameds, people get angry. It's nonsense.
    Liquid likes this.
  5. Ducreux Augur

    The massive increase to player power from classic basically means you either hold down more camps than you used to or you AFK for 10mins out of 20.
    Thorak1234 likes this.
  6. nectarprime123 Augur

    People will camp what they can. It's just the way it is.
  7. Zapsos Augur

    Your camp is the size of the area that you can consistently keep cleared... Restricting a full group of people to only camp one room with maybe a half a dozen mobs seems very un-fun...
    nectarprime123 likes this.
  8. iClimax Journeyman

    Although I will agree I feel claiming so many nameds is greedy, I had a group in lguk holding am/hand/lord yesterday , but we cleared all the rooms and had downtime... A lot of downtime actually. As the healer I was able to dot every single mob that was pulled and never a oh sh-- moment as I never ticked below 60% mana.
    And yes we were all there for xp not just loot. I was our highest level at 42.
    nectarprime123 likes this.
  9. Pikallo Augur

    I agree if you can keep a camp cleared, then you can "call it". But if you are monopolizing all those camps - don't expect people to just roll over and let you have them. You still have to cover all the real estate of the camps and if you aren't "camped" in the vicinity of the mob, that location is fair game.

    This happened to me last night - I was duoing in Sol A and a group of people were camping the entire north region of the zone and called "kindle/efreeti/captain/singe". They were all lvl 40+ and grossly out of level range of the zone, so they could obviously handle all those green/grey mobs. I came down to the Kindle room/area and none of them were in sight. There were a few mobs up(some cleared but not all) including the Kindle PH roaming around. I moved in and "took" the room by killing the PH and the rest of the mobs. After awhile, a monk from the group came to let me know "this was camped". I let him know they weren't camping this specific spot.

    Eventually Kindle spawned and I killed him because I was camping in the proper spot. I assume I angered the group (guy was named Sovereign from a guild called <Iconocast> or something like that btw) because the monk FD dropped 5 mobs right on top of me a few minutes later. Much to his dismay, I dismantled his 5 person train(mage/druid OP) and told him to try harder next time. He told me he would train harder next time.

    Eventually they actually left with a bruised ego, which was satisfying, but the point is that just because you are capable of calling a camp, and clearing the area - you aren't entitled to all the real estate if you can't physically hold it down.
  10. nectarprime123 Augur

    This is exactly the right thing to do in this situation. And the monk even pulled for you, what a gentleman!
    Drexll likes this.
  11. Bumpkin Augur

    That's why I said if you can keep it cleared then it's your camp. If I see your mobs up and nobody tags em I'm taking them for myself, you clearly can't hold your camp.
  12. Pikallo Augur

    I agree and they were mostly keeping things clear, as I was having trouble finding mobs outside of the room itself - but the fact is that even though they could keep that area clear, they can't pull every mob in an entire region the instant it pops, so its fair game.
  13. RainbowTest Augur

    All of the pet classes, monks, and anyone with mana regen other than bards have had their damage outputs amplified to ridiculous numbers and to counter this they nerfed exp gains so that you don't see the ridiculousness that ensued in every progression guild on live. You can actually level a toon to level 50 purely off bonechips on test server and make an actual profit its amazingly sad.
  14. Numiko Augur

    It happened back in 99 too, I can remember zoning in to LGuk and going campcheck.. only to get a response "Everything! now get out of our zone!"

    /who came back with 6 people (and me) in the entire zone.

    They were all level 50's from the top guild on the server wearing full planer gear and seemed to have no trouble killing everything that was up.
  15. Thorak1234 Lorekeeper

    THIS. I couldn't put my finger on it but you nailed it. It makes perfect sense. The increase in power over the years makes it possible for groups to hold 4 nameds at a time.

    As a matter of fact, I believe they added the mini game "gems" for this exact reason. So you would have something to do for the 10 to 20 minutes in between spawns.

    Another reason why this doesn't feel like classic.
  16. Thorak1234 Lorekeeper

    If you never had "a oh sh-- moment" when holding down 3 named camps, that tells me that player power has increased so much since classic that the game is too easy now.

    And you were the highest level at 42!?? I remember camping lord back in classic with a full group of 47+ and it was touch and go.
  17. Fallfyres Augur

    Basically what you are saying is DBG should not have sent out all that marketing about 'Play Like Its 1999' since many who responded knew they weren't getting a totally classic server, but literally did not know at ALL that the "massive increase to player power from classic" AND the fact that the dataset is interwoven with current live servers so as to prevent any meaningful changes that MIGHT have made this 6 months actually a classic-esq server were completely impossible.

    OP -- the insatiable demand for chain pulling by some players in groups is why. More is better, continually if its possible and fast is the main hallmark of the types of groups doing what you say.

    Get ready to be told you have rose colored glasses on, you must have been 15 when you played EQ in the old days so you had all the time in the world but they are adults with lives and need to get on with things ya know, its unproductive to just work one named area/not-camp, lets see what many justifications.

    This server is a Frankenstein, duct tape job. The ones who came here not just looking forward to enjoying making their character strong and to learn along the way, and prepare for the next expansion...they are different than you. They are here to not only progress, but to progress RAPIDLY. They are doing whatever that takes, and utilizing the "massive increase to player power from classic " changes over the years...well, because they can.

    I hope you find some like-minded gamers to play with and can enjoy at least some of these 6 months of erhm.... 'not-original-like' EQ. Good journeys.
  18. iClimax Journeyman

    Exactly, I was ecstatic logging in and immediately joining that group... We weren't even a "broken" group either, if it wasn't for EU LCS streaming I would've been bored to tears. Our group was a chanter, warrior Druid healer, shaman, wizard and gasp! A ranger. I was dumbfounded at the ease of it, my first time playing a healer in EQ, later that day I was in a Hole group with 3 mages and if it wasn't for chanter clarity, I would not have been able to heal that. Idk if it's my lack of skill or Hole is just that much more difficult, but I love actually playing EQ. Not sitting monitoring it while I watch streams/movies.
  19. Thorak1234 Lorekeeper

    I don't believe I have rose colored glasses on. I remember EQ classic being hellish and I liked it in a masochistic kind of way I guess.

    And, I'm much older than you presume. I was in my 20's back in '99.

    I liked every bit of it, hell levels and corpse runs. All these things had a purpose in a twisted kind of way. For example hell levels allowed clustering of same level players at each tier for the purpose of grouping.

    I do believe the marketing email DBG sent about "Play like It's 1999" was deceiving. The marketing should have read something like "We made EQ easy like WoW, come give us your money".
    Drexll, nectarprime123 and Fallfyres like this.
  20. Fallfyres Augur

    *Salute Thorak1234.

    Many of those I raided and grouped with were - we were well into our 20's also and already living lives of responsibility when we played early EQ. I was using sarcasm to relay to you what I and others have been told since these servers opened when pointing out things similar to what you put in your posts. And yes, they will also tell you/us we are an anachronism, that we are 'emotional', that IF DBG somehow actually COULD/ WOULD make itemization and coding changes that 'that EQ' wouldn't be popular and money would be lost. We are just niche players etc etc etc.

    No matter that you and I may be realistic, understand that changes have occurred over the years to the live servers and accept there are some quality of life differences that may actually be great...they will not recognize that EQ vets like you and I are anything but the tiniest minority and they will negate your opinion, justify theirs by monikers like this is a 'progression' server which they wanted fresh so they could rapidly move forward through to other expansions. They dis the idea that a huge amount of the new subscriptions were lured here with marketing that made us believe this was going to be 'nearly', 'close to', 'very similar to', nostalgia play through original EQ for 6 months. Heh.

    And finally, they will disallow any thought that there was real value and fun to what we got to play years ago...they say EQ is trivial now, and it was also easy then, and etc etc etc. I still don't understand WHY they are here since they disrespect EQ, they want to morph it into what they prefer, and they hate rubbing elbows with those who actually are EQ vets.. ;o/

    Essentially though it goes back to DBG. If they would have opened several servers with various rulesets, a good amount of the negative shizz going on would have been avoided. DBG apparently has very, very little financial wherewithal though, and we are all just a lifeline that is keeping it afloat. That give you warm fuzzies to know you are keeping the dream alive?