Burning rapier/ Missing items to complete quest.

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Hirbow, May 26, 2015.

  1. Hirbow Augur

    So with the changes and new dynamics to these zones, comes changes to quests...
    Has anyone recently completed the burning rapier quest with the NEW zone layouts.
    I'm having an issue where the NPC that sold the sparkling sapphire that you had to buy for 500pp or so in WC she doesn't sell it anymore.. where do you buy it?
    any suggestions?
    This is on the new server Ragefire
  2. Mizar Lorekeeper

    Very old post, I know, but today on AB she is still missing the sparkling sapphire. Not that many rog would need the burning rapier quest anymore, either for epic 1.0 or master sketch, but in order to get poison making to 350 now it's necessary most/all possible recipes, that includes all 8 PoP recipes that have 1 version made with the master sketch and 2x4 version made with each 4 sketch parts that are lost when combining to get the master sketch (that most rog have done years ago) so now we have to get again all 4 sketch parts to learn those 2x4 recipes (non master version) and one of the sketches requires the burning rapier to be handed in so it has to be quested again.

    Short version, fix Noresa Sparkle at Commonlands to sell again Sparking Saphire (500 to 550pp originally), or should I /petition to have one given ?