Bug: Character names taken

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Zevered, Mar 16, 2019.

  1. Zevered New Member

    I created a character with a certain name and it was accepted by the server, then the server failed to put me in the world with my char, kept getting the message that I already had a character in game and asked if I wanted to kick him out, sure... After 3,5 hours I finally get past the server selection screen again and lo and behold, my character isn't there. Then I try to recreate him with the same name, but now the server thinks my name is already taken because of the char I created that now doesn't exist, annoying for sure.
  2. Roxxlyy Augur

    We are aware and have been looking into it.
    ForumBoss, Aneuren and Fallfyres like this.
  3. Barton The Mischievous

    I tried remaking my lost name 10m ago after servers went down again and the name worked. So maybe someone did something course now I shall have to regain 2 levels and the gold spent on spells
  4. Koniku Elder

    Please post a method for people to recover names when you do find a solution. But make the servers actually work first of course
    ForumBoss likes this.
  5. Ceffener Augur

    Had this problem, just made a new character with a slightly different name...but if there is a way for us to get our original name back. That would be nice.
  6. Banecrow Elder

    Have the same problem =/
  7. Shadowpaws2003 New Member

    My problem is character creation on mangler pops up a box that says recruite a friend disabled, then when i click okay, it tells me to buy a slot even though i'm a monthly subscriber.
  8. ForumBoss Augur

    Thanks for looking into this. Please reply to this thread when the issue is resolved, or if we must submit a petition/ticket to handle each incident of this.