Buff to Melee Classes

Discussion in 'Melee' started by Delphwind, Sep 22, 2015.

  1. Delphwind Augur

    My friends and I played together about a year ago now. We got into our 90s then were pull away for various reasons.

    We've come back and were surprised by some of the changes to melee DPS. Specifically the+70ish% passive damage AA line (Innate Innerflame for Monks).

    So far in my last 80's I seem to be doing significantly more damage than previously, I would say more than a 100% increase.

    How has this change affected the level 100+ game? Can a equally geared melee DPS now finally compete with a Wizard or Necro?

    Also it looks like there is another line of buffs coming for melee classes in the form of increased bonus damage on weapons, anyone care to give some feedback on this change?
  2. Brogett Augur

    I'm less sure on monks as I don't play one, but on raids rog / ber do compete wel for combined vs wiz / nec. It depends on the target of course. On a single long living target you're not going to match a necro. However equally so on mass trash killing they're not going to be remotely close to you either. It's just a different style there so hard to say what balance means.

    There are more changes incoming on Test too, to do with offhand damage bonus (minor I think) and monk AoE attacks (big change for you).
    Delphwind likes this.
  3. Delphwind Augur

    Thanks for the update Brogett, as I have been away for a while I am very surprised I am not seeing more conversations on this subject. Melee has been the red headed step child for a good long while and with these changes it looks like we are becoming finally relevant.

    Am I wrong in this observation?

    I had not heard about the offhand damage bonus, but the changes to bonus weapon damage going through today, and the update to Destructive Force is VERY welcome!!
  4. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    In the preceeding years, DBG has been dancing two and a half steps forward two steps back with melee dps changes. From the Innate Innerflame 105 monks gain 66% increase, but that does not equal a 66% increase in dps. We (and everyone else who got similar AAs) simultaneously had our Discs and Combat abilities which would be affected by this made less powerful to greatly lessen the effect on burns.

    The changes to Destructive Force, I think most of us are waiting for the other shoe to drop. A year (or was it 2?) ago the Dev's decided that the Rogue and Zerker versions of DF were giving them too big of a DPS increase so they were going to nerf both of their versions as well as ours. The Dev's claimed that the duration of these effects were 10x longer than intended, and that was the root of the DPS increase. However only Rogues and Zerkers saw this huge increase, we monks never did. Eventually, we were all able to point out that Monks only did one additional hit on each mob within the AE range while Rogues and Zerkers did one additional round on each mob within the AE range. So the Dev's called off the nerf at that time while they figured out the cause and how to handle it.
    Now they have figured out the cause and effectively made all 3 of these AE effects identical, so some of us are expecting there to be duration nerfs coming at some point in the not too distant future. Then there is also the fact that they give out good things immediately followed by or in parallel to big nerfs. So it is thanks for this nice thing here, but you screwed us over a lot more in this other area than you helped us here.
  5. Povarmonk Elder

    Yeah monks got the short end of the stick on the last rounds of patches. They do not seem to understand what they continue to do monks. Now this latest round of nerf patch has effected even FD it seems used to be able to drop agro meter down a few points when u went over 30 and no effect anymore. Thanks again for nothing Devs you really know how to treat monks as red headed step child of the melee classes. What's next are you gonna log us in the closet or the basement now?!

    Let's see how long they will allow this post to stay on the boards.
  6. Ashten-Prexus Journeyman

    Aahz....stop crying.
  7. Ashten-Prexus Journeyman

    Bump... making sure Aahz reads it.
  8. Zarakii Augur

    Please dont say things you obviously dont know what you are talking about on it will only distract devs from real issues......
  9. Tuiv Journeyman

    how far off is monks dps on live compared to rogue/zerker, in % is it 10%, maybe less? or something drastic like 30-50%?
    Wondering with and without burn.
  10. Zarakii Augur

    always depends on event adps length of time it takes to do events ect monks still behind rog/zerk but thats how it is suppose to be but dont get me wrong monks can still push them to be better then they were the day before and friendly competition like that is what drives us (me anyway) =)
  11. Tuiv Journeyman

    Just looking for an average %, assuming both are equal. I know some fights favor others but in a group setting if you were going to have a monk and a rogue both be in it, would you expect the rogue do you x% more dps overall?
  12. Riou EQResource

    If we are talking 60-90s burn then around 40-50% the amount is about right, yea.

    Sustained then Monk should win by like 10%.

    Depending on what guild DPS is like you might rarely ever see #2, then your guild will have all monks re-roll and not recruit anymore because a class like an Enchanter pretty much matches both DPS #'s while providing massive side benefits :p.
    Tuiv likes this.
  13. Gumby Augur

    It's pretty far off. Pretty much everyone except Rangers beats Monks these days on any type of Burn.

    Casters (including enchanters if they dps), Rog's, ber's, bst's will be pushing 250-300k, while Monks will be lucky to get 175k. After combining all fights for the entire night it will get closer, but it's still pretty bad provided those other classes actually try on stuff like trash.

    But I guess being a bit more sturdy, having Mend and FD make up for it.. right? o_O
    Povarmonk and Tuiv like this.
  14. Povarmonk Elder

    Amazing another monk sees the same problem i that see as well truly amazing!
  15. Leex Pewpewer

    If a Monk is parsing like an Enchanter, then you've seen some really bad Monks lol....
  16. Sancus Augur

    I don't know, according to this thread Enchanters are pushing 250-300k on burns... Would love to see those parses.
  17. Leex Pewpewer

    Under 7 seconds I'm sure an Enchanter can hit 300k. Hell I've seen Chanters with me in DH groups get parses over a million, of course the fight is like 1 second long.

    I think the person who posted those numbers doesn't have any idea of what they are talking about, if they do I'd love to see a parse. I bet I never get to see it though :(.
    Sancus likes this.
  18. Leex Pewpewer

    Bump for a parse!
  19. Kaliko Augur

    Rangers can actually do pretty damn good and destroy monks on burns :p