Buff/SD Buff window

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Angahran, Mar 16, 2022.

  1. Angahran Augur

    In the Buff and Short Duration Buff windows, if you toggle the border off the spell/song icons vanish as well.

    Emilari likes this.
  2. Midasa Elder

    I was able to make this work in my UI.
    In my main Screen, I have these:

    Then I put these 2 things in my TileLayoutBox:

    Once you right mouse and turn off the border, you need to go to Window -> Normal and set that to 100%, because for some reason it gets changed to 0. Then my spell icons showed up.
  3. Angahran Augur

    I'll have to try and see if that works. I have the icons, slot numbers and spell names and it's still fading the icons.