Brother Island

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Uuvin, Nov 6, 2014.

  1. Uuvin Augur

    just something to think about.

    I logged on, asked if anyone was doing brother island. group said come to caverns - same tier. Went there and I cant get the partisan task because I have as yet been unable to forage these items.

    So, I go back to brother island, waste another hour on it, guildies get flagged for t3 while I click a button. This progression has split up people once again. If the idea is to promote groups it has failed. And don't tell me my guildies should have sat around waiting for me to forage.
  2. Edrick Augur

    It's going to be a ground spawn next patch, so the developers are aware this quest is too much of a roadblock.
  3. FawnTemplar Augur

    I wish all of you would go make druids and then do their epics.... then complain about a needed foraging skill of 50.