Broken Quest: Pups of War

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Koshk, Jan 23, 2023.

  1. Koshk Augur

    During the Veil of Alaris quest "Pups of War" (takes place in an instanced version of Beast's Domain"), you are instructed to:

    Collect the naeya pups from the small crates 0/6 (Beasts' Domain)

    My group has run this quest 3 separate times, on 2 different evenings. In all cases, breaking the small crates does not have any effect. No naeya pups appear in the Loot window, or on the ground, or anywhere nearby.

    We have tried breaking the crates more slowly, or with spells-only. This did not change the result. After 10-15 minutes, the crates respawn. Breaking them again does not do anything.
  2. Gialana Augur

    There's a quest in the EoK version of Temple of Droga where you have to destroy barrels and loot something from them. However, the items never show up in the advanced loot window, so I thought they were never dropping. I had to manually loot the barrel "corpse" to see if any items were there and to loot them. Perhaps it's the same thing for this quest. You might have to /hidecorpse off to see the destroyed crates.
    Koshk likes this.
  3. Koshk Augur

    Brilliant suggestion, Gialana. You're quite right. Showing all corpses revealed the destroyed crates, which I could then /loot manually one at a time. Thank you so much! :)

    I will have to remember this as we continue stepping through these expansions.