Bring in fresh blood

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by dupliciti, Jul 18, 2023.

  1. dupliciti Journeyman

    Why does not Daybreak advertise Everquest, to make more of the gaming public aware of this game. Simpering Warcraft even made a full scale movie to broaden their advertising impact. Everquest has a real die hard player base but it needs to expand this through advertising to keep the game going. Many of us current players are up in age and EQ would definitely benefit by reaching out and attracting younger clients.
    Brontus and Obsidianne like this.
  2. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    I don't believe the "younger" audience out there have the "stuff" eq gamers are made of.

    An EQ gamer has to:

    pay attention
    pay attention for more than 5 minutes
    Figure out simple written directions on the screen
    Figure out complex tasks and mission
    Look up using many resources online (none of which are sik tok)
    Be persistent
    Communicate with others effectively without emojis
    Not use shorthand that makes no sense

    But they may be reeled in by those tradeskill "certificates" which are probably the precursor to modern day "certificates of participation" that every kid gets now days.

    Or could it be they just think the game is so great that it speaks for itself?

    This post is not endorsed by any one at all and is meant as a humerus little escape from ...........
  3. Cronar Elder

    Honestly speaking, Everquest could open up to fresh blood and perhaps pack the servers if they made the game more regular person friendly, and reduced the emphasis on raiding.

    Beyond that, they should implement the ability to fill a group with your other characters on the same account and allow them to be automated for simple roles, allowing the single player to see and do more in the game.
    Brontus likes this.
  4. Thren Lorekeeper

    The raiding game and the 30 plus guilds that raid are what keeps this game going. Thats the reason for raid focus.
  5. Scila Augur

    Is this another rehash thread? I think I saw this a few days ago about the IP not being utilized ... just saying.
    Rijacki likes this.
  6. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Honestly if you are looking for a new MMO to play which would you chose?

    1. Requires you to find other players to group with or play multiple characters yourself in order to do basic progression and most of the player base is at the end game.
    2. Able to do basic progression by yourself and you can group up as you desire in order complete things and you can progress by yourself to the end game where most players are.

    It would be great to advertise and attract new players but the problem of them being able to do things and progress on their own makes it hard to keep players.
    Obsidianne and Cloud the Third like this.
  7. Cronar Elder

    The game is kept alive by keeping the pure trash mode of essentially requiring multiple accounts in order to stay relevant in order to play the game.

    While there might be quite a few raiding guilds with lots of players on each server, it is guaranteed that there are even more non raiding folks who quietly play the game as best they can.

    Way back when raidmode was added to the game was the beginning of the core casual player being shunned and it has been that way ever since.
  8. FYAD Augur

    They basically had raids in from day 1 of EQ. Phinigel, Vox, Naggy. Then after release came PoHate, PoFear and PoSky. All content that was meant to be done by a large force of players. Just because they didn't have a UI window to manage your raid force doesn't mean that raiding wasn't part of the game from the very beginning.
    Kaenneth and alanus like this.
  9. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    Thats like saying TLP's keep eq going without them eq dies haha lol
  10. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    I'll pass on attracting younger client. They be the people that say give me give me! Yea wow even did a reset can you imagine if eq decided to rest max level to 60 or something ill pass.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  11. Hekaton Augur

    well people may hear about the amazing zones that eq has but it doesnt help that your first learning experience is to be dumped into gloomingdeep. they should have repurposed reslpendent temple and made it a newbie zone
  12. 6502 Lorekeeper

    It's just not an easy game to go into blind, too many decades of features built up without any pruning or streamlining. The leveling process is also kind of disjointed, the tutorial is (relatively) streamlined, then they hit open world and the gameplay changes, low/mid level zones are overwhelmingly empty, if they stick it out by the time they hit a leveling brick wall in the 80s or so it's possible they've never even seen another player which contributes to them to just getting demotivated and leaving. Also if they google search guides they're probably told to box multiple characters which is kind of a strange concept, in most MMOs that's something you only see from bots/RMT, and probably not the ideal gameplay experience for retaining new players.
  13. Fanra

    New players would be good. I'm seeing too many zones on my server with very few players. It's not that I want zones to be crowded, but the bills have to be paid by someone if the game is going to continue and if we get enough, the expansions might even become larger.

    If possible to advertise, I would position EQ as, "Think you know how to play a MMORPG? Think again, EverQuest takes more skills to play, and, are you good enough?"

    That said, the graphics would likely be a big turn off for younger players used to modern graphics. Hopefully, the DirectX 11 upgrade will be the start of some better graphics and then EQ can start to advertise. I personally, don't care very much about the graphics, unless it reduces lag, but if you want to attract players in 2023, it helps if your game doesn't look like 15 year old graphics.
  14. Sissruukk Rogue One

    I dunno, you have Minecraft, Terraria, Among Us, and other popular games that have basic graphics.

    But I agree with CatsPaws, even if they were being sarcastic. EQ takes a lot of dedication, especially for us non-boxers, and I am not sure if the majority of the younger generation can put that dedication in (no offense to the younger generation that do play this game).
  15. strongbus Augur

    This right here is the one of the biggest turn offs I hear from my younger coworkers who game. Those who are in their teens to mid 20's. Some have said they tried game and like the hardness but can't get by the graphics. Its almost like they would need to take eq keep the current setup but rewrite the whole game in newer code for newer systems.

    don't know bout same account. but it be nice if they redid the merc system including adding in stuff for all classes and made it so you could type a command in on a alt account to act like a merc.
    Obsidianne likes this.
  16. Scila Augur

    I think graphics is the biggest issue. Someone made the decision years ago to retro some of the models. Going back to those zones now is like oh yeah move on. They're rough compared to what the newer models are. Starting back in the older zones is going to be a meh for anybody looking for good graphics. The trees are squared, animals are rough, zone lines are ... ok you get where I'm going. It is what it was back then and worked.

    The first taste we had that there could be good graphics is the sandmen in Morel's Castle. Now we have the Dark zones in NoS. We're getting there just slowly.
  17. Domniatric Augur

    I think they'd need to reskin the game and do a ton of work to appeal to new people. Kind of like what D2 did with D2R. But, This would probably be a mmmmmassive undertaking with a world as big as EQ.

    I don't think you realize how jarringly bad the game looks to someone who isn't used to playing it.

    I'm not knocking EQ. I love it and have been playing since 1999. But, it is a rough looking game. Which is important to appeal to anyone used to modern games.
    Obsidianne likes this.
  18. Domniatric Augur

    I think the difference is those games have a certain intentional style of graphics. Valheim is another game that has simple graphics but they look really good.

    Everquest's graphics are just bad and they are also extremely inconsistent when you compare something like West Karana to a newer zone.
  19. Cidran Augur

    Besides raiders, casual nostalgics also keep the game alive. They appreciate the game for what it is and what it means to them, even with the outdated graphics. There are lots of people who've never raided but keep coming and going, each one for their own reasons... In the end, all numbers add up :)
  20. Cloud the Third Augur

    I don't think the raiding is keeping the game going. It is more of the progression servers that keep it going.