boxing with i so on live rocks,please allow boxing on 1pc on classisc start tlp

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by jeydiejones, Apr 12, 2022.

  1. jeydiejones New Member

    having fun 6 boxing on live started at lvl 1 last week and enjoying it,the only down side is buying spells and memming them,not using merc,boxing makes the game so much fun you log in can play straight away,you drop charecters for friends and guildies and its fun never boring.
    please daybreak allow boxing on the server.
    back to playing eq but whats bad about alive server is everyone his either hight lvl or they lvl their own boxes.
  2. Ravin Journeyman

    no thanks
    Zrender likes this.
  3. Zrender Augur

    If you're having fun on live stay on live. You will never run out of things to do on live. Don't want it on the new servers, at least not whichever I play on. I think most of us are happy with the plan dpg has for boxing limits and unlocking on the new servers. I think they said 3 boxing on 1 pc will unlock in omens.
  4. mark Augur

    cant raid on live because of low lvl and lack of aa
  5. Fhiele Augur

    You need to box on live. Well, no, you can molo pretty easilly too, but you won't be finding any regular groups on your way to 100, so it makes sense to box. Accounts are free, most modern computers can handle 6 boxes. TLP will be full of many thousands of players all wanting to group with you.
  6. FadedshadeTLP Lorekeeper

    I love the Relaxed Truebox rule - They should just start Yelinak with that instead and let us all have the option to do what we want, to at least try to compete, with all the RMT cheaters that are never stopped. Truebox hurts the normal players and only enforces how powerful kronolord cheaters can be. Someone wanted to sell me a way to circumvent Truebox for 400 freaking dollars - With such a pricetag, you are forced to be another kronolord scumbag, when all i want is to play 2 or 3 toons, so i can always start a group somewhere, whenever i feel like it.
  7. Ragnoruk Augur

    I agree, i'd like to see Yelinak start with relaxed truebox. Not to try and compete with cheaters, they will be breaking the rules as they always do and have way more boxes than I will anyway. I just want 1 box so that I can do stuff solo while I LFG or waiting for my friends to log on.
    FadedshadeTLP likes this.