Boxing Options

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Dawdle, Mar 4, 2019.

  1. mark Augur

    just 6 box on 6 pc i currently run the these 6 box group on lockjaw since ragefire went live on the one pc it was hard just using hot keys back then,warrior,cleric,druid,mage,wizard,enchanter,because i afk a lot due to old age i dont charm mobs,been setting up on agnarr the 6 accounts just waiting on numpads to be delivered then il be ready to tackle selos,see you in game.
    Ps i dont need to turn the heather on eanymore in the billiard room.
  2. Norok Journeyman

    I love these threads for passing the days until launch :)

    I'm not sure how people are suggesting multiple enchanter charm box groups. Having played one enchanter in box groups I can't imagine trying to control two pets.

    I also think planning around an AoE group on a fresh TLP like Mangler may be a bit hasty. You just don't have the large zones with mob density to make it efficient until Kunark.

    For Mangler I'll be retooling my standard Enchanter/Druid++++ for Enchanter/Cleric/Mage/Wizard. I have been testing this 4 box start on other TLPs over the past week and I really enjoy the pure power I get from it. I've considered adding a bard but it is really an exp sink for the first 20-30 levels before it becomes more of a convenience feature (not having to sit to med). I tend to add a bard later in classic when there is not much else to do.
  3. Norok Journeyman

    Dru/Mag/Enc has been my standard go-to. I did this on Ragefire, Phinny, and Agnarr. It's probably the best all-around classic start 3 box IMO. What you will find is that the early level benefits of mobility will make you happy with your choice but the later levels (45+) will make you wish you had CH for the higher level charmed pets. It's sort of a difference between power curves.
  4. mark Augur

    warrior best tank in game rarely runs out of endurance,cleric can heal da and do some dps(later on divine arbitration shares tank damage to rest of group saves a heal to the tank and no aggro for cleric) hp buffs and self buff mana regen buff,druid mana regen buff,snare , soe,track some ports wizard dose not have and viceversa,evac.mage awesome pet, summons stuff, call of the hero,wizard aggro best nukes in game,ports snare,enchanter charm slow debuff haste mind candy,nukes,not the best dps group but a group that can do most group content in all expansions.
  5. StinkyRats New Member

    In regards to enc/dru/mag, what about replacing the mage with a monk, or perhaps a bard? Then you have a real puller and a raider ready to go, along with comparable (or better) dps to the mage. Is mage worth it just for pet toys and malo? Do they even have pet toys on classic, and does malo even stack with tash?
  6. a_librarian Augur

    The biggest thing mage brings to the team is malo on charm pets (it does stack and is extremely useful in some zones where potential charm pets have high MR), a pet off tank to hold aggro on the mob during charm breaks, useful summoned items/mod rods starting in Luclin, and a good pairing of fire based damage with druid fire resist debuffs. Monk would probably work fine but require more effort in positioning, and bard would probably be too hard to utilize fully with only a team of three
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