Boxing hate thread 2.0

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Tinytinker, Mar 10, 2015.

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  1. anathema Augur

    Great, so you know where to find what you want. What about any of that gives you the right to impose it on anyone else who doesn't necessarily share your preferences?
  2. syko187 Elder

    It's the equivalent of trying to talk about a painting but saying the color blue doesn't matter because the paint company only allows red paint since it is what they make. I only care about what affects the art, not whether or not rules exist or don't exist based solely on what makes money.
  3. Branntick Augur

    The fact that the new progression server will die an undignified, fiery death very shortly after launch doesn't bother you?

    It's like you actually enjoy playing a dead game. I'd much rather play on an official server. I would happily pay Daybreak my money to play on a server that doesn't suck.

    All I can say is, enjoy Fippy 2.0 where dreams go to die.
  4. anathema Augur

    I'm sure you know much better than Daybreak or anyone else how things 'ought to be.' Enjoy ruling the world, I will see you on the new server with my characters I'm sure. Have a good day.
  5. Djinnkitty Augur

    And again, do you have any evidence to back up your claims? What advantage does a character that is run by a boxer have over one that isn't? What can gold subscription Bard X run by Boxer G. Rogers do that gold subscription Bard Y run by Solo McGripes can't? You keep repeating these assumptions and opinions as if they were objective facts, but despite being asked multiple times by multiple people, you never actually back these claims up. People are trying to engage you and find some common ground here, but you're being obstinately unreasonable.

    Monopolize... umm, do you people know what that word means? Because the way you're trying to use it here suggests you don't. Please, elaborate on what exactly boxers have a 'monopoly' over. And as always, any evidence to back up your accusations would be most welcome.

    I still eagerly await any actual evidence to back up this oft repeated assertion. It almost seems like you have an emotionally driven vendetta against boxers, rather than an actual logical argument against them.

    And no boxer is going to hold it against you if you voluntarily choose not to box. Yet you seem to be very angry and boxers and actively want them to change the way they play the game they paid for to suit your whims. Since you're the one demanding they change, it's up to you to, y'know, actually provide evidence and reasoning as to why they should change. So far, despite repeated requests from multiple people, you haven't. This gives the impression that you don't have any. I know this thread was titled 'Boxing hate thread 2.0', but come on, I want to believe you're smarter than this: The OP was pretty obviously trying to call out anti-boxers to make them seem like antagonistic sorts on an emotionally driven vendetta without actual logical reasons behind their hate, why are you falling so easily for that bait?

    Oh, the irony.
    Frenzic likes this.
  6. Healiez Augur

    Fippy hardly died shortly after launch, in fact even during sod there was a fairly healthy population on that server. During God and oow which most people think as the death of eq you could easily find groups and places like walls of slaughter and rift seekers were teaming with players..

    So please sir, get your medication adjusted and rejoin us in reality.
  7. Branntick Augur

    And where is Fippy now? Thought so.

    Unsustainable garbage.
  8. Healiez Augur

    It's what a few years old...

    You said it died shortly after launch. I hardly think fippy having a strong population for over 2 years qualifies as "shortly after launch".

    Progression servers are not meant to last forever, it's an inherent part of their design.

    You don't want a progression server, you want your own little playground where everyone has to play by the rules you think they should play by.
    Frenzic likes this.
  9. Djinnkitty Augur

    I can throw analogies around too:

    It's like a minority of people loudly demanding that paintings with the color red should not be allowed in the gallery because most people are only willing to pay for the colors blue and yellow, and those who buy the color red have an unfair advantage. When asked if the gallery has any rules or advice about colors, no one can find anything against the color red, but the anti-reds are vociferously against those who use red, accuse them of dragging the gallery into the gutter, and state repeatedly, without evidence, that somehow the usage of red disrupts the spirit of the gallery and 'monopolizes' resources the yellow-and-blue folk are unfairly denied.
  10. moogs Augur

    I hope I'm not alone in believing that this thread has run its course.
    Irbax_Smoo, Zoggzog and Tinytinker like this.
  11. Tinytinker Augur

    Nope, wasn't trying to make anti-boxers seem like they are so full of hate. Got sick of seeing "boxing is evil" pop up everywhere, so I created a thread just for the anti-boxers, and on some level, I'm legitimately curious why people feel a no boxing server would be so successful. I'm not convinced it would be.
  12. Djinnkitty Augur

    "Fippy died shortly after launch!"

    "Umm, actually it had a healthy population for a number of years."

    "But eventually that population dwindled. Checkmate, boxers!"

    By that logic, EQ is a resounding failure of a game because eventually its population dwindled.
  13. Tinytinker Augur

    Me, too. Feel free to lock this thread mods.
    Zoggzog likes this.
  14. Healiez Augur

    Your not, just start reporting it in hopes the close this cesspool of a thread
    Tinytinker likes this.
  15. Djinnkitty Augur

    The course was run years before this thread started. Boxing's been a part of the game for over a decade, there is no evidence to suggest it somehow hurts the game and plenty to show that it helps through increased subscriptions and revenue. It is most definitely not going anywhere for as long as EQ remains live. I can't speak for anyone else, but I'm mostly driven here out of a basic curiosity as to what drives the hate. I still think it's that mixture of envy and entitlement.
    rune00 and anathema like this.
  16. Branntick Augur

    2 years in MMO time is an abysmal failure. It is an absolute joke.
  17. Djinnkitty Augur

    On who's authority? Yours?

    Yet again, you keep making claims, yet you don't seem to be interested in actually backing them up.
  18. syko187 Elder

    I'm not exactly sure what's hard to grasp about two characters being stronger than one character. But yeah this thread is pretty done. Easymode is easy. Nobody likes losing a free ride.
  19. Branntick Augur

    It's an opinion that is shared by a wide enough number of people that it is worth listening to, as opposed to regurgitating the same dumb about wanting me to provide evidence for opinions.

    Why don't you provide evidence for your opinions? Let's solve the problem of hard solipsism right here.
  20. anathema Augur

    16 years and still going strong (with boxing).
    Irbax_Smoo likes this.
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