Bow Damage questions.

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by nodontcarekkthxbye, Dec 30, 2018.

  1. nodontcarekkthxbye Augur

    Bow of Flames 33/35 with Archery Mod 3 %, or Bow of Storms 37/35 no mod?

    I guess real question is, how much damage does archery mod add?
  2. shiftie Augur


    If you want confirmation log into test and parse it. If not test pick a trivial mob with the same bow base damage and look for the max hit. The. Use the bow with the mod your max basebdamqge should be 3% higher than the original test if not the mod isn’t working.

    In terms of comparing bows you need to parse which comes out higher in the long run. A 15 to 30 min parse should be sufficient.