Blood of the Fallen - Dolman Rescue

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Rowacorn, Sep 16, 2013.

  1. Rowacorn New Member

    One of the tasks needed for Blood of the Fallen (Seeds of Destruction, Kithicor theme, big aug) is a task called Refugee Rescue (Dolman). It's broken. You're supposed to clear the camp so the refugees can escape, and when you do they don't leave. I'm trying to get this for my enchanter alt. I'm looking for hints on how to work around the problem from anyone who's done it successfully and recently. It worked years ago; it doesn't work now. There are four almost identical tasks that do still work.

    I petitioned the problem and got this response:

    "The quest you are trying to complete is currently broken. I apologize profusely and we have sent over the name of the quest to our development team to have them look into fixing it. Once they do, it will be announced in the patch notes and you’ll be able to go to the proper NPC and update it. If you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to let us know."

    It's a good response. It is professional and to the point. It confirms that there is a problem, the problem does matter, and it's on the list, but right now the GM doesn't have any tools to fix it. Every time I read it I'm more impressed with how well it's written.

    And customer service is like that sometimes. I'm not interested in whining about customer service, or the developers either; they have a lot going on besides a twitchy 5 year old quest. But I'd like that aug on my enchanter.

    So I ask what I asked: does anyone know a workaround for this? E.g., is there some place you have to stand? Should everyone in the group have the quest? Should I pop the refugees and let them respawn? Do the bad guys need to be killed in a particular order? Should they be killed more slowly? (A level 100 merc goes thru them pretty fast.) Does the merc need to shower first? Should I bring Dolman a beer? Stuff like that.

    Rowacorn, speaking for Bozbar
    Den of Misfeets
  2. Edrick Augur

    I'm going to guess you searched Alla, but the question should be asked just to make sure: are you near the NPCs that need to be rescued, so you are awarded the update? Is every single Obliteration army NPC in the camp dead before one respawns?

    I completed this quest... maybe a year and a half ago? I got it to work, but I do remember having to do it over a few times. Was this the camp that is fairly bigger than the others, and has more than the six Obliteration army members? Because I think you have to kill every single NPC in the camp before one respawns, and it is much more than the six it says to kill in the quest window.

    I'm sorry I can't be of specific help to you, it was a while ago. I know you can do it, but I unfortunately can't give you the exact workaround.
  3. Khoza Augur

    This. There's a very large camp for some of these, and it takes some doing to get them all. The big thing is, if one of the mobs was trained away or for some reason roamed out of camp, they can get stuck and not reset properly, and even though they aren't in camp, they still have to die. That can be very frustrating.

    If you are clearing the entire camp without issue, I would suggest waiting for a zone / server reset, and trying again ASAP, just in case there is a mob missing from camp at this time. I would also suggest having the character you're trying to finish this for sit right on top of the refugee while clearing, so they are already there when the last mob dies. I'm not certain how close you actually have to be, but I do know my group was frustrated with finally clearing that camp way-back-when and being out of range for the update. (We had been chasing a runner, and were just outside the borders of the camp when it died.)

    Good luck. This was a fun and overall worth while set of tasks for me. (Actually, I liked all the quest arcs that gave a reward for completing the entire tier in SoD. It was a great idea, IMO.)
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  4. Tobynn Augur

    Can almost guarantee this is what has happened. Check the surrounding fields and hillsides for quite some distance in all directions. Kill any solo mobs you find out in the open. None of the Obliteration mobs have spawnpoints in the middle of nowhere. If you find what appears to be a static straggler somewhere, rest assured it belongs to one of the camps.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  5. Rowacorn New Member

    Kill the stuffing out of any solo Obliteration slimeballs in that half of the zone. It's worth a try. I'll let you know. Thanks.
  6. Nightops Augur

    I did the set of 5 tasks about 2 weeks ago.

    I didnt have a problem with any of them. Like the posts above, one of the camps was large and the whole thing needed to be cleared. Check inside the tents to make sure there are no mobs hung up inside with bad pathing.

    Also, one of the camps has 2 task updates, make sure your getting the first update before trying to clear the camp to free the NPCs.
  7. Sebbina Augur

    In the long ago when I did the double camp, eventually, a second group wanting the updates arrived and we killed them all down fast enough so both groups got the updates. Nowadays, unless you are able to slaughter them all with your one group, see if you have a high level friend or two to take out half of them.
  8. Everstorm Augur

    I was stuck on this one too when I did it, came back after a server reset and lo and behold there was an extra mob in the camp, cleared it and got update. Though if that is indeed the case then why did you get a response from CS saying the quest is broken...
  9. Edrick Augur

    If you can't get a quest update after clearing the entire camp of Obliteration army NPCs before one respawns, you might ask CS to respawn the zone, and politely remind them that this will likely disturb no one since it is from an expansion years old that very few people travel to. Customer support has been fantastic during these latter years of EQ, it would not hurt asking.
  10. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Completed this a couple of weeks back for my alt mage, no issues.

    Try again today, now the patch has finished and you should get the update. Pathing and warping mobs in this zone has always been an issue. Don't pull the mobs from the tents kill them where they are to reduce the chance of warping.
  11. Rowacorn New Member

    As several of you said, there was no problem doing the task after the server reset, and there were indeed seven Oblits in the camp. Thanks to you all for your help.
    Tobynn likes this.