Blocked Buffs

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Lilpugs~Cazic, Mar 11, 2022.

  1. Fanra

    In the middle of a raid, with everyone shrunk, casting druid wolf (which gives spell crit bonuses to group) also includes a wolf form illusion. Which is large. So now in the middle of the melee we have these big wolves in the way blocking others and vision.

    So, no, it's not all about being fun at parties.
  2. Sissruukk Rogue One

    Personally, I hate levitate as much as I hate swimming, so I have most levitate spells blocked, even those from bards (still keep the run speed buff though). If I need to levitate, I either use my Swiftmantle or my Aspect of the Brood (depending on how long I need to levitate for). The only other irksome thing for me is when I use my Visage of the Brownie Noble and someone casts shrink on me, it actually makes me grow.