Blessed Serilis Prayer Shawl click effect

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Deniedx, Sep 15, 2022.

  1. Deniedx New Member

    item: Blessed Serilis Prayer Shawl
    spell: Blessed Salve of Brell

    Previously reported in the TLP forum by Jaera, but posting here as it's clearly a bug.

    The Blessed Serilis Prayer Shawl click effect Blessed Salve of Brell has this in-game description:

    “Activating this item will unlock passive alternate advancement abilities that will: increase your mana pool by 650 points, increase your mana and hit-point regeneration by 25 points, increase your armor class by 525 points and your resistance to magic, cold, fire, disease and poison by 45 points.”

    This appears to cast 3 separate click lines: item:Expanding Mind, item:Soothing Breath and item: Prismatic Ward.

    The issue is that it uses Soothing Breath I (17hp/mana regen) instead of Soothing Breath II (25 hp/mana regen)

    The AC element also seems to fall way short - I'm uncertain what level of Prismatic Ward is provided as I already have Prismatic Ward XX, but Prismatic Ward III would provide the promised 45 to resists but only 157 AC. Prismatic Ward XXI would provide the promised 525 AC but would give double the promised resists.

    So maybe Prismatic Ward is the wrong AA line or there should be Prismatic Ward III plus a level of Form of Defence to make up the shortfall in AC?

    Moreover, as Soothing Breath overwrites itself or Knowledge of the Past it actually overwrote my soothing breath XIX therefore reducing mana/hp regen by 93 points each - quite a kick in the teeth for weeks of hard work if I'd not been paying attention!:confused: