Bindral Argaff / Brell Serilis

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Zaray, Mar 11, 2024.

  1. Zaray Augur

    Bindral Argaff won't accept the Visage of Brell Serilis in exchange for an enchanter spell. (He did take the Valkyrie visage)

    additional info added later - outputfile missingspells shows a level 1 Illusion: Brell Serilis as a missing spell.

    Either its a bug that Bindral won't accept my visage in exchange for a spell scroll, or its a bug that I have this as a missing spell listed.
  2. Riou EQResource

    Their post says the brell serilis one will not be getting one
  3. Zaray Augur

    Thanks, I missed that post.
  4. Zaray Augur

    To add, when I output missing spells, level 1 spell, "Illusion: Brell Serilis" shows as missing.
    Silvena likes this.
  5. Brickhaus Augur

    Perhaps one hand isn't talking to the other...

    Wouldn't be the first time that happened.
    Zaray likes this.
  6. Strumph Augur

    Wish it wasn't excluded :( Wanted all 4 of my toons in that illusion.
  7. Brickhaus Augur

    They have been as consistent about not wanting deity illusions "permanent" in Norrath. Been told multiple times over the years.

    At least until someone above Jenn decides on one last money grab before the end.

    (Not sure if I consider Fippy Fest a money grab or not ...)
  8. Hekaton Augur

    massive cash grab lol. ive been literally blindsided by how much money they want for cosmetics this year and its only april. Also how are you pulling this much money in for less content.