Best raid events in EQ?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Sirene_Fippy, Mar 30, 2015.

  1. Triconix Augur

    What is not fun about it? Because as the person who goes around chasing lanys and tanking her the whole time, I'm quite entertained.
  2. Iila Augur

    The 5 minutes where I stand on the center island with nothing to do.
    Silentchaos likes this.
  3. Unkynd Journeyman

    For me the void raid just takes too long with too much dead time. I get bored on that raid.

    Same with Burn Out - let's make a bunch of mobs with damage shields that are so strong that we just have people stand around for 30 minutes.
    Sheex likes this.
  4. Triconix Augur

    And thats where two different classes will find different opinions! I'm always doing something in the void raid so I like that. Same with rot. AH definitely the worst of the 3 t2 raids. Anyways,I liked the overall idea/script of the void raid and thought it was rather unique. I like things that are fresh. I'll give credit where credit was due. Was it implemented perfectly? Maybe not, but it certainly beats events where the feel the same as others.
  5. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    It's overly scripted, quite boring for those not in the Lanys groups, and not particularly interesting or challenging. Most of the time I'm not in the Lanys groups, so my favorite part is the afk time to go make a sandwich.

    "Best" raids shouldn't have mechanics that exclude large amounts of people or have unnecessary downtime. Sitting around or say, bowing mobs as a melee because of stupid mechanics isn't fun.
  6. Ravengloome Augur

    This thread is now complete.
  7. Kellaer Augur

    a raid is good if it uses all 54 people in the raid, not just because your class gets to do something

    its a terrible raid
    Ravengloome and Sheex like this.
  8. Ravengloome Augur

    He is a warrior, they are naturally primadonnas
  9. Kellaer Augur

    I know some that actually do act that way, and still think they have it rough.

    Warriors are so ridiculously overpowered right now. If a guild wanted to be as efficient as possible, they'd scrap all shadowknights, and keep a couple paladins for Brells, group armor, and the ability to be a ghetto healer for a group that might be missing one.

    Every time I hear a warrior complain I ask them if they remembered to hit Defensive Proficiency.
    Ravengloome likes this.
  10. Ravengloome Augur

    Whats funny is when they say "well we got defensive proficiency because knight healing"

    Because 30% passive mitigation is the same thing as heals/lifetaps that can and often are interrupted.

    Wait does silence dispel Proficiency buffs? I thought not.
  11. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    There are a few raids where having a lot of AE aggro is helpful. I'd say you'd still want 0-2 sks, but definitely way less than the other tanks. The other problem with running that many warriors is many of them are pretty likely to stand there watching someone else tank the boss waiting on "their turn", letting adds run amuck since a lot don't view that part of tanking as their jeb. (Plus even if the stars aligned and they picked up trash, I'd cry out that they took meh jeb!)
  12. Kellaer Augur

    Warriors do AE agro, single target agro, anything agro, much better and faster than knights.
    Ravengloome likes this.
  13. Warpeace Augur

  14. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    I realize that Wade and their aggro tools are strong, pretty much more than they've ever been other than before the aggro mod "typo". But I'd still say an sk or two would be more versatile than all warriors, especially if pal were just doing priestly duties.
  15. Ravengloome Augur

    I can't pick up adds if i am Cybering clerics bro. Sry.
  16. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    Cool story brah.
  17. Kellaer Augur

    Eh. If you had three knights, you could drop them, add one warrior, and one cleric, and you would be better off. Versatility is good for the group game, in raids it is more about min maxing.
  18. Ormus Elder

    I was always partial to the OMM raid in Anguish
  19. McDougal Augur

    I didn't like that one. All that simon says stuff seemed silly to me. Haven't seen Vex Thal mentioned though. I remember that one as pretty fun.
  20. Quazie Elder

    As someone who has raided everything but VoA and TDS, I think the best raids were definitely in the 65-75 area. My best by expansion:

    Vox is better than Naggy or Phini. What's more fun than the anti-CH push or being feared into a pit?
    (Cazic when he came out took the crown)

    Silverwing (if you consider him Kunark) for craazy charm antics or
    Faydedar, especially the triggered version with your posse in the Oasis

    Vulak- her slow makes the fight feel that much more epic

    Cursed cycle- one of two true events in Luclin (other being Burrower Beast)

    The Rathe- Coirnav is also good, but tRC has the advantage of not being blowable. You win based purely on guts (and enchanters)

    Does not exist, shhhhhhh......

    Synarcana- maybe the first raid where the boss couldn't just be beat down. OMG split raid mechanics!

    Ukun Bloodfeaster- do you like adds? I hope so, because we have ALL the adds.

    Mata Muram- the best part of this, imo, is the final charge after you've been ported out of the room. Nothing like charging at a giant Dragorn-thing to finish him off (and stop him from reseting!)

    Vishimtar- really the only choice unless you want to shoulder my burden.

    Soooooo many good ones. The best, though, has to be Mayong. Every class is needed and gets their time (banes) while you're on a timer to an epic tank-and-spank with one of the best models ever in the game. That epilogue...


    Tolling of Dissonant Bells (DK1)- While 1 and 3 are the only tolerable events in this zone, 1 wins out in my book.

    Dynleth's Army- I just like this one because it's literally two armies coming together, but they add a little twist in from being just an add clear with a strategic element.

    Also lots of good ones. My personal favorite is event 1. I think having 12 different mobs/sections was really fun, in addition to the fact thata guild could do them in any order. I also think this is the first raid where turning in the wrong things can screw you over?

    Battle Room- Moving those little bots around the multicolor chessboard was just plain fun. I mean, MULTICOLOR CHESSBOARD.

    Brothers Zek- Coordination, elite tanking, class-specific mobs! The inspiration for PoWar is still the best!

    An audience with Brell- The top of UF. Hard, unforgiving and a pain to get to. Just like Emp Ssra.

    I haven't seen all of HoT, but I'm thinking Cazic's Final Stand. Kill a god, for realz.

    Haven't done any of these.

    I'm thinking Champions of the People. Lots of great tank movement. Fun and sometimes frustrating emotes. Tigers.

    Bixie 1. I was always leading/part of the drum team so I really enjoyed keeping up a well oiled machine.

    Haven't even bought it.