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Best of... 2023 EQ awards

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Fading Illusion, Dec 18, 2023.

  1. Fading Illusion Augur

    Hello all!

    Fading from The EverQuest Show here. I'm working on a story for the show regarding the "best of.." for 2023 for EverQuest....

    And I could use YOUR input. I have several categories, and I need nominations (and your vote for best!) in each. I'd also love additional ideas for more categories.

    Category : Best NEW Zone for EverQuest in 2023 (basically in Laurion's Song)

    Category : Best new NPC Model for EverQuest in 2023 (basically in Laurion's Song)

    Category : Biggest EverQuest headline/story of 2023

    Feel free to reply with your nominations/votes for the best. And if you have a new category, let's hear it!

    Hobs and Nennius like this.
  2. Fading Illusion Augur

    An example of my nominations/votes

    Category : Best NEW Zone for EverQuest in 2023 (basically in Laurion's Song)
    - Laurion Inn
    - Pal'Lomen (My vote for winner!)
    - Timorous Falls

    Category : Best new NPC Model for EverQuest in 2023 (basically in Laurion's Song)
    - fox (My vote for winner!)
    - skiterrer/bug thing
    - badger

    Category : Biggest EverQuest headline/story of 2023
    - Oakwynd server announcement/launch with new ruleset
    - TS Depot issue
    - EG7 presentation EQ franchise/EQ3 announcements (My vote for winner!)
    Hobs likes this.
  3. Sissruukk Rogue One

    Category: Best NEW Zone for EQ in 2023
    -Pal'Lomen (visually)

    Category: Best new NPC model for EQ in 2023
    -Fox (and what does it say?)

    Category: Biggest EQ headline/story of 2023
    -Personas: In less than a month it garnered over 1200 replies on a single thread full of speculation, which blew past the "Where are the Memes" thread which was started in 2018. This awesome idea kind of limped across the finish line for release, being hobbled by only able to change personas in fast-camp zones and having to change races if a class wasn't available for your main race. Not knocking the dev that worked on this, but this could have had more time taken on it to really make it an awesome feature to have. I was so looking forward to having a dwarf monk dual wielding steins.
    Hobs, Fanra and Fading Illusion like this.
  4. Fading Illusion Augur

    Great info Sissruukk! I'd love to get some more feedback if others want to jump in...

    Suuuuuuurely you have opinions! (Shirley!)

  5. Sain_Rathe Lorekeeper

    Best New Zone : Hero's Forge
    Best New Model : Angry Wasp
    Best Everquest Headline/Story : Personas
    Hobs, Sissruukk and Fading Illusion like this.
  6. Nennius Curmudgeon

    Best New Zone : Ankexfen Keep
    Best New Model : A Doe
    Best Everquest Headline/Story : Personas
    Fading Illusion and Sissruukk like this.