Best mob to farm for Glowing Alaran Cantrip?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Kcooler, Feb 8, 2016.

  1. Kcooler Lorekeeper

    So, - Have 2 characters that are about to hit 95, where is a good boss that spawns pretty often. That drops Glowing Alaran Cantrip? - Beast domain for the lower level Cantrip was a pain because the names refused to spawn for me.. any tips be much appreciate thanks.
  2. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    I found the drop rate in t4 to be substantially better than t3. (Lotta lvl 94's in t3)

    Try City of Bronze, basement areas? Most names there are on the easier side (that exp has brutally difficult names relative to other expansions).

    Pillars and Sep are harder to navigate with generally harder names, and Windsong's kinda on the smaller side.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  3. Brudal Augur

  4. Kravitz Augur

    Mission with better RNG or named with abysmal RNG. Sounds like a no brainer on how to camp it.

    And if you look at the magelo information on what Brudal posted, the missions chests have a ~50% drop rate vs a ~33% for a named mob.

    Most important point:

    That doesn't include the chance to spawn the namer as well as the time involved to spawn one vs. a mission you can grab anytime every 6 hours. Mission chests spawn 100% of the time.
  5. Kcooler Lorekeeper

    Thanks for all the info guys... I'm looking for a mob maybe where i can just camp it over and over while i watch tv lol, if there's one that spawns often.. lol - i found that no named in Beast (only t3 i farmed for spell gems) spawned often.. some took 2 days to see.
  6. Qbert Gallifreyan

    If you're willing to move around occasionally, I would recommend heading to Pillars. Depending upon which way the center statue is facing, one of the pillars will have random spawns of a named from killing anything within that tower ("Peacekeeper of . . ."). The extra bonus is that unlike most named mobs, it isn't limited to one spawn at a time. During double named weekend a year or two ago (when I was there wrapping up the hunter achievement), I would clear one pillar almost completely, and by the time I finished there could be 4-5 of the same named up to kill in that tower.

    Half the time a couple of these are up just walking into the zone, as there are people that are still trying to get the tablets from running shared tasks within the pillars . . . they are after a tablet, and don't generally wait for repops.
  7. Jarsi Lorekeeper

    Depending on server Bazaar is the beast you are best to get glowing off of and it can be done afk semi afk or totally afk (afk barter mode tds required) but if you dont have the plat for thisi would say sep its respawn seemed faster than others to me
  8. Aurmoon Augur

    Go to Windsong. Camp the Breezeglider or the Hornmaster. Static spawns and relatively easy named.