Best mob to farm Fear Touched?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Kcooler, Feb 18, 2016.

  1. Kcooler Lorekeeper

    So, basically as the title says. What is the best mob to farm Fear Touched T1 RoF armor. - i'm looking to get my toon a set, but on my server there is only wrist, and arms for sale... That's it.. Anyone know a good mob to farm. so i can get outfitted? thanks.
  2. Funk Augur

    Any and all of the named mobs in Shard's Landing.
  3. Raptorjesus5 Augur

    There is no single best mob unfortunately. Each named has 1 piece that it drops most of the time. Trying to get a full set from 1 named isn't really feasible. Shard's Landing has really easy named mobs over all. A handful of the named in KD, EW, and CC have abilities that make them harder than average but most of them are also easy.
  4. Brudal Augur

    My suggestion would be to live in and learn Crystal Caverns, each armor slot has a mob which corresponds. Check touch for a map of each name by slot.
  5. Lilura Augur

    Go to the giant fort in Eastern Wastes. There's about 5 named there. I used to farm there and get tons of gear, armor and otherwise. If you are a caster or priest make sure to keep checking for Warden Bruke and the named coldain to the north.
  6. Kiras Augur

    Why go after ROF T1 instead of COTF T1? Tradeable and buyable with HA currency.
  7. Dersk Elder

    Because RoF t1 armor is usable 8 levels earlier. Because RoF armor is the best farmable armor for its level. Because CoTF t1 is inferior to TBM t1 and usable at the same level. Because if anyone wanted latent ether they can eaily grab a full set for free if they know one of those people that refuse to do anything but Gribble HAs.